Every single time I try to love somebody it always ends in heartbreak. Something or someone tries to break it up or it just up and dies. For a long time now I have been alone, afraid of being alone for the rest of my life. I never had any friends, only one good one but...shes so busy it just doesn't make any of the difference. After everything that has happened I am having thoughts, thoughts maybe that shouldn't be there. Not many people can tell what bothers me as I tend to hide it. Everytime I get close I hurt. I hurt those whom I care about and then it all falls down. It seems even though I try to share everything I have I always end up hurting some one no matter what the situation is.
Maybe the best thing was to never love at all then maybe life would be better. I feel my place here has ended, that my time on earth draws ever closer. Sometimes it feels like I am immortal, that I will never die and move on, to ever feel the pain of human emotion. No one seems to understand, yet they say they do then why do they flee before me not trying to deal with it? For those of that I trusted seem to stab me in the back thinking that I wanted something for my self, to say that I wanted just me and not them.
But no more...for I am not long for this world and my time will come sooner or later. The emotional strain will kill me and then they can all be happy just before I ever came. No longer will the pain I endure from this seeming to be heartless world. Everyone I make friends with ends up hating me. I always hurt people no matter how much I try to help. People say I am overdramatic, maybe there is a reason as of why I am. Maybe its just best to end it now to stop unnessary fighting. All these things and more built up. I was born alone with no friends...and that is how it shall end. The same, death to my self is better anyway, only that I watch those I love on the other side then, them never knowing I ever existed would be best so that my pain would be gone and theirs as well.
Death...to the other side back home where I belong away from this human world wreked with selfish beings that never even understood what they really had. Its no wonder my kind lift long ago. But no more will anyone have to suffer, for soon the end will come and then there will be no worries for anyone and I will stop existing here and everyone will forget.
For everyone else I ever cared about, goodbye!
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Any choice you make can change your future, in this world there is only one possible past for all of us but it contains an infinite number of futures.
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