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How The Fates Do Move
This is a fanfiction for the movie Labyrinth. Note the word FANFICTION! I do not own the movie, or any of the characters.
This is a fanfiction for the movie Labyrinth. I do not own Labyrinth or any of the characters. Now please enjoy ^_^
Chapter 2: Part B

Click, click, click… her shoes kept beating steadily on the ground in a way that her heart couldn’t. Her pulse was irratic while she was trying to keep her composure she was barely holding it all together. In front of the café she noticed that they had replaced the old sign. It wasn’t odd when she thought about it. The last time her and her friend had been here they had joked with the owner about how it looked as though it would fall apart one day. The new sign was marvelous at the least. The wood was polished with an intricate outline of a rosebush framing it. Inside was the name, “Owl’s Nest” and underneath of it was a burnt image of a barn owl. Reaching out she touched it before passing, “It seems everything is changing these days,” Sarah said with a sigh.


“What troublest thou, Sir Hoggle?” Sir Didymus asked as he dismounted from his trusty steed. Walking toward Hoggle, and the towering figure of Ludo, the brave knight merely waved his staff, “If it be some menace then we shall beat them off!”

Hoggle rolled his eyes at the display of the fox, secretly wondering why it was that they were friends. The dwarf was calm in comparison, but even he had to admit that his loud friend often said things that he wished he had the courage to voice aloud. Ludo, the friend of the rocks, was also there. The larger creature named Ludo stood behind the two and let out a groan, “Sarah… trouble.” Shaking his head, his long ears flopped at the sides of his face, and one who had known him long enough could tell by the weary look in his eyes that he was upset.

“Trouble? What trouble has befallen M’Lady?” The fox placed a hand on his hip as the other held up his staff, “If it be some foul oppression we are honor bound to protect her. Come now, dear friends, what can be done?”

Here Hoggle stepped in, unwilling to allow the antics to continue further. “Ahh, now just stop with yer’ showins’. That isn’t what’s got the little lady so upset, so just stop that foolishness. I don’t know what’s wrong, but the other day when I spied her through my mirra she was cryin’.” Hoggle turned his head having finished his statement. He knew the look that would be in the eyes of both of his friends at this point. They had kept in as good of touch with Sarah after the Labyrinth as they could, but there was much that made it difficult. Life, obligations, growing up… things simply changed. Be this as it may the three of them felt responsible for their friend’s tears, even if all they could do was soothe them away.

“Sarah, sad.”


((More WILL be posted within the week ^_^))

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