So, I haven't posted in this thing for a while...but I finally found a few somethings to rant/complain about.
Damnit. I just found out yesterday that I have to go to Montana for Spring Break...again. Fricken family.
You know, I really don't know why I keep going. Sure, to see my Dad and everything. But I really have to drive all the way up to montana to stay for six ******** days then come back? I mean, in the summers it's fun since I don't have to rush to do anything with my old friends(who really don't like me anymore...) or do anything with my dad. I really just wish that we had the money to fly there. I mean ********, it gets really, really boring just sitting in a ******** car the whole ******** way to get there with hardly any rest stops and hardly any comfort.
I mean sure, when I'm driving half way with my mum, it's fine since I get to sit in the front seat. But since my dad and his mom can't stand drving straight there and back by themselves, I'm forced to sit in the back of the car with my stupid little sister and no leg room. Do you know how much that ******** sucks? Especially since my sister can't stay quiet when we're with our dad. Why? Because we never see him. Wait a minute...yes, yes we do see him. All the ******** time! Well, not technically, but still.
And when we finally get to montana, we have to live with our dad, his brother, and their mother in a basement! Well, okay, so we all don't live in a basement, since my dad's mom lives upstairs, but still. We technically do.
And by the time we just get settled in and used to sleeping late, guess what? Back to ******** Colorado at four in the ******** morning! I mean, yeah, I adore Colorado, mah best friends are there, but still! Getting up at 4 in the morning to sit in a ******** car for 16 ******** hours!? RETARDED!
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