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Shenlong's Journal
Things going on in my life.
Wow, I really need to get back to sleep, but I also really think I should write this down. I just had one of the ******** weirdest dreams I have ever had. It was also the only dream I've ever had that felt so real the whole time, even though I knew I was dreaming shortly into it.

First off, I want to point out that during the whole dream I could not get one single light switch to work. God damned light switches, not ONE. I think that might mean something because it was recurring throughout the whole dream. So everything I saw was kind of in the dark and I couldn't really make anything out for sure.

It started out with me waking up to go use the restroom. I didn't really notice it at first but there was all kinds of junk piled up in my room and once again, it was dark, so I kinda stumbled into the restroom. When I got there it was a mess and I got something on my foot, so I grabbed a towel or something and tried to clean it off. Then I noticed that the toilet was full of some junk. Then when I looked closer I thought I saw something that looked like an arm in the damn toilet. So I ran out of the restroom back into my room and tripped over all that junk that I didn't really notice before. I guess I fell on some guy who was sleeping on the floor and this ******** started wrestling me.

This guy is really the main part of the whole dream, so let me talk about him for a moment. He was apparently supposed to be our new temporary roommate because he hadn't gotten a house yet, and that was where all the junk came from. He also liked to wrestle with me for no apparent reason whenever I got near him. And he would always be holding both of my arms and poking in on my sides at the same time like he had 4 ******** arms or something. Only whenever I could actually make him out he looked like a normal person, just 2 normal arms.

So when I get done wrestling with this guy, the next thing I remember is laying in bed messing with my nose because it kinda felt weird. So I'm kinda pulling on it, and a little piece of the bottom of my nose ******** comes off. So I'm thinking this guy somehow sliced though my nose, but not enough to make it come completely off, and somehow stopped it from bleeding. Then when I was messing with it, I ******** pulled off the bottom of my nose. So I run out into the hall way screaming s**t like "HE CUT OFF MY ******** NOSE" and trying to turn some ******** lights on and find CQ. I eventually pass out with some people around me I think.

Next thing I know this guy is taking me to the hospital to have my nose reattached and he's in the operating room with me waiting for the doctor and he's trying to ******** glue my nose back on or something and I'm like "let the ******** doctor fix it".

I don't really remember a lot about the rest of the dream except it involved a lot of wrestling with this guy. I had realized I was dreaming pretty early on and kept trying to wake up, but every time I woke up I was still in this dream. That's when I really knew for sure I was dreaming, because I was going through days and the only things I could remember were things involving this guy.

Anyways, the end of the dream came when I was wrestling with him again and I was finally just like "Man, what the ******** do you want. Seriously, what do you want." Get this... He said "I want you're weather data." Like I have access to some super secret weather predicting machine because of my security clearance or something. I was just like, "What? Just get on the internet and look up some damn weather data on you're own." He said, "No, they don't tell you so much stuff, I need you're weather data." So then he pulls out some weird computer/contraption and starts simulating a battle or something on it. I guess he was gonna access something on it to where I could get him into a weather database or something. But I just remember thinking like, this guy is ******** retarded, there's no classified weather data. And even if there was I wouldn't give it to him. That's about when I finally woke up. So it's almost like this dream was testing me to see if I would give out classified information.

When I finally woke up I was just like, "OMG, I am so glad that is over." Like I said, I've never had a dream that felt so real like that. It's not like it was a scary dream or anything, it was just really annoying with that guy wrestling me all the time. Especially since I knew it was a dream and I kept trying to wake up, but just ended up back in the dream every time.

Well, I better get back to sleep now, since I have to wake up in 4 hours. I just really wanted to write this down so I wouldn't forget it. It's the most vivid dream I have EVER had. I don't even dream that much normally, and this one really ******** felt real even though I knew it wasn't. Whoever is reading this... Sweet dreams...

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