Which Zurg took on the responsibility of giving out gifts in 2006?
- Zurg 02
Zurg 04
Zurg 06
Zurg 09
Ian was arrested soon after he crashed a party and screamed:
"Sasha, you're terrible!"
"This salsa is terrible!"
"I lost my frog!"
What did Gambino give Halloween partygoers to help them battle an outbreak of the G-Virus?
A pep talk
Crumpled Green Construction Paper
During the trial, it came to light that Ian's last name is:
- Unknown
Who is Gino Gambino?
Founder and president of the Clever Names Club
The father of Johnny K. Gambino
The brother of Johnny K. Gambino
-None of the above
After the destruction of the Tower of Gambino, where was Gino Gambino found alive?
Inside a trash can rolling down a hill
-Isle de Gambino
Wandering the streets of Barton Town
Vegas, baby!
Who is Johnny K. Gambino?
Singer of the hit song "Hand Me That Broom (So That I May Sweep Up My Broken Heart)"
- A prominent and ruthless Gaian businessman
A walrus that just happens to have a name
The friendly old fellow in charge of the Fishing Hole
When Gaians took a sip of the Zurg energy drink, they:
Passed out and were abducted by "Mother"
- Mutated into a Zurg
Decided to throw the rest away
Became incredibly profane and angry
Gambino's 2006 Halloween party was sponsored by:
- Red Bino
Gambino Outfitters
The Durem Reclamation Facility
Who cares?! IT'S A PAAAAAARTY!!
After being charged with arson and put on trial, the jury decided Ian was:
- Innocent and cleared of all charges
Guilty and put on probation
Guilty and sent to jail for 50 years
Rather handsome and quite a charmer with the ladies
The Von Helson sisters persuaded Johnny Gambino to leave their Gaian Anniversary party by:
-Holding Gino Gambino hostage
Spiking his punch with laxatives
Playing "I Like To Move It" by Reel 2 Reel over and over again
Asking him politely
Santa isn't normally much of a fighter, but on one occasion he wore this, which allowed him to do battle with Jack:
A top hat with a secret weapon built in
-A robotic suit
Helm of the Vikings
Johnny Gambino fell from the top of the Tower of Gambino when:
-He was shot by a sniper
An earthquake caused the tower to topple
Gino pushed him
He leaned over the edge too far while attempting to spit on a passing seagull
The superweapon that destroyed the Gambino Mansion (and the zombies within) on Halloween 2004 was called:
The Big Easy
-Silent Flash
The Megasplosion
Jack became enraged at Santa when:
Santa stated that he would take over the operation of Halloween
Santa stole Jack's girlfriend
Santa stole Jack's pants
-Santa publicly blamed the unfortunate events of the previous Halloween on Jack
That snake Liam was courting three ladies at the Halloween Bash! They were:
-Vanessa, Sasha and Moira
Sasha, Agatha and Moira
Moira, Ruby and Vanessa
Vanessa, Sasha and Ruby
Gino challenged Ian to a duel over:
Gino's suspicion that Ian was responsible for the destruction of the Gambino Mansion
A contested ear of corn
- Their competition to win Sasha's heart
Ian's unkind words about Johnny Gambino
The Sniper has attacked two people so far. These people are:
Johnny Gambino and Gino Gambino
Johnny Gambino and Labtech X
Labtech X and Gino Gambino
-Johnny Gambino and Ian
The brain-sucking creatures that started the second zombie invasion of the Gambino Mansion were called:
With his fortune regained, Gambino built a tower that was:
Made of a disgusting jelly-like material which eventually began to smell
-So tall it cast a shadow into Durem
Shut down because it did not meet fire safety codes
Made entirely out of the melted-down belongings of his enemies
After his death at the hands of Jack, Santa was brought back to life by:
The Ghost of Xmas Past
One child's innocent, wide-eyed belief in the magic of the holiday season
Who is Liam?
Noel's brother
The rancher whose cows were abducted by the Zurg
-The Aekean womanizer who runs Crate & Apparel
Sasha's brother
When Ian was in the hospital, what gift did he give to Sasha?
-A diamond seashell
A coral pendant
A gift certificate for an evening of fine dining at the Heartland Buffet
A lock of his hair
Just before being shot, Johnny K. Gambino was allegedly called this by Gino:
"Stink Commander"
All of the above
The fight between Jack and Santa was brought to an end by:
The G-Team
-The Masque
A mutual fondness for contemporary architecture
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Ok so ya...This is just things i think and wanna tell people.
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