Naahhh.... I just said that to be random. As if I weren't random enough. scream Hey! I take offense to that sad Offense? U have nothing respectable in your life to take offense of! lol stare Okay, okay, u got me there... At least I can be 4laugh xp Little less... Like this? 3nodding stare I... Gue~ss that'll do.... What's your favorite thing: Sang! Blood! I love scary movies that're realistic bloody and mind twisters
What's your least favorite thing? The color red (love blood, hate the color) lolz sweatdrop
If you could have any one thing you have ever wanted what would it be? cool The one thing I want the most, DUH!
What's the worst thing you ever did to someone? Ehhh..... Beat him up and gave him nightmares.... yeah..... (porcupine/hedgehog's dilemma) I always hurt ppl on purpose (kinda) or accident
Hey! Respond by answering the questions too! heart That way my domokun will get full (sounds so bad, but is so funny) xd
bluevibes · Thu Feb 22, 2007 @ 12:30am · 0 Comments |