1.Naruto:"Happy Birthday Naruto"
“All right, class,” said Iruka, standing before his class of young ninjas, his arms crossed, and a great smile on his face. “As you know, tomorrow is the festival. I know it is held on a school day, but I and the other teachers, have convinced the PTA to take all of you to the festival tomorrow as a school field trip.”
The class cheered with great excitement with yahoos and whoopees, but Naruto was the only one who was silent. He sat in the very back of the class, laying his arms crossed on his desk, his head held down, looking out the window, watching the decorations for the festival being put up outside. The school bell rang and school was over.
“Before you all leave, you will need to these permission slip to be signed by your parents in order for you to go,” said Iruka. “So don’t forget.” Everyone followed Iruka out of the classroom as he left. Naruto was the last to leave. He walked his way home, his hands held in the pockets of his blue shorts, keeping his head held down, ignoring the sound of conversations while stands and decorations were being put up.
Tomorrow was going to be October 10th. Naruto hated this day as much as he did fear it. It was exactly eight years ago when the Fourth Hokage defeated the Nine-Tailed Fox from destroying Konoha Village. It was also the same day Naruto was born; the day that the Fox was sealed in him. Of course, most would be excited when it was their birthday; to feel joy and love from others such as friends and family. But it wasn’t that way for Naruto. He always received something else. Suddenly, Naruto bumped into someone and fell on his bottom.
“Sorry about that” said Naruto, rubbing his backside. When he raised his head, the man he bumped into gave him a cruel cowl as he stared down at him.
“Watch where you’re going, you little punk” the man snapped. His tone sent a chill up Naruto’s spine, making his skin grow cold. The commotion around them began to grow more silent. Naruto looked around and saw other people giving him the same scowl. Then he slowly climbed to his feet and began to walk away from the ground. Just as he took a step, a shuriken was thrown at his feet. Naruto gasped, too scared to even look to see who threw it. Then he just took off, running as fast as he could.
“Worthless demon” the man growled. Naruto was almost out of breath, but that didn’t stop him from running. He didn’t stop until he reached his apartment. He slammed the door behind him, locked all the locks, and stumbled to the floor as he backed away. Naruto didn’t get up. He was too tired to do so. He wasted what little strength he had running away. Naruto curled himself into a ball, his knees over his crossed arms as he held his shoulders, lying on his left side. The wood floor was cold. Naruto didn’t want to freeze.
I hate being on this floor. Naruto whimpered. I wish I could be in my warm bed. Suddenly, Naruto felt a strange feeling going through his body, feeling warm.
“Go to bed, boy,” said a low and deep voice. It was faint and eerie, like a ghostly whisper. Naruto slowly got up to his feet, took off his shoes and climbed into his bed, pulling his blankets up to his shoulders and rested his head on his comfy pillow. The strength that was given to him was gone, leaving Naruto weak, just enough for him to sleep without any trouble at all.
The man who Naruto ran into was Nobunaga Urochi, one of the richest families in the Konoha Village, next to the Hyuga Clan. Not only that, but he was one of the ninjas who fought against the Nine-Tailed Fox, along with both his sons. During the siege, Nobunaga almost lost both his sons. They were badly wounded, and it was certain that death would take them to the next world, had it not been for the ANBU agents and their healing abilities. Nobunaga wanted revenge, to kill the Demon Fox, but the Fourth Hokage had beaten him to it. At first he thought the Fox was dead, but he later learned that the Fox was sealed in a young boy name Naruto Uzumaki.
How could the Fourth Hokage spare the Nine-Tailed Fox? He had him at his mercy and he orders that its life be spared? This is an outrage.
Like every other ninja who knew the truth, they gave Naruto the same disgusted look as if he was the Nine-Tailed Fox itself.
Nobunaga was sitting in his study, drinking a warm bottle of sake, next to a single lit candle. After a sip from his small cup, the door of his studied open and a man dressed in black walked in.
“You wanted to see me, sir,” asked Black.
“Yes, please sit,” said Nobunaga. Black to the left seat in front of him. “Sake?”
“No, thank you, sir. So how may I be of service?”
“I have a mission for you; an assassination to be exact.”
“I see. Who’s the target?”
“A boy.” Black had a small, yet un-noticeable surprised look on his face. The kind that says, You’re kidding me right? Giving me such an easy task?
“A boy, sir?”
“Do you have a problem with that?”
“Well, it’s just a bit curious as to why a powerful man such as yourself would be trouble by one boy. What wrong has he done to you?”
“It’s not just me. He has wronged everyone in this village, and yet he still lives. To do this will be doing the whole Konoha Village a favor, a relief of an unwanted burden.”
Black pondered while Nobunaga spoke. By the time he finished the sentence, the answer came to him.
“You are not talking about the fox boy are you?”
“That’s exactly who I’m talking about.” Nobunaga poured another drink of sake into his cup and gulped down. “That demon should’ve been killed the moment he was born. After what he did to all of us, but more importantly, what he did to my sons.”
“But your sons are alive. They are powerful ninjas now; they even have their own students. Should you not count your blessings for that?”
“They almost died. They were so badly injured that there was a possibility that they wouldn’t even become full-fledged ninjas. I even have hopes that one of them will become the next Hokage. I want revenge for the pain he has caused me and my sons.”
He took another swig.
“I see. When do you want it done?”
“I believe it is fitting that he should die on the day that he should of.”
“Very well, sir. It will be done before the end of the anniversary.” Black got up from his seat and left Nobunaga to drown his sorrows and rage in alcohol. A slight breeze blew in and it blew the candle out.
“Soon, all wrongs will be made right.”
It was the morning of the festival of the anniversary when the Fourth Hokage defeated the Nine-Tailed Fox. The village was bursting with laughter, music, and the smell of festive foods. Games were being held, plays the reenacted the defeat of the Demon Fox, stories were told of those who actually fought against the fox, showing off their scars.
Iruka allowed his class to travel around the festival, to do what they want, as long as they would meet at the rendezvous at precisely, two o’ clock. Iruka looked at his list of those who had arrived with their permission slips in hand.
“Let’s see, now. Sakura, Sasuke, Ino, Shikamaru… It seems everyone is accounted-- Wait a minute.” Iruka looked through the names of permission slips, counting each an every student in his head, going through it twice, then it came to him. “That’s strange. Naruto isn’t here. I figured someone as him would want to come to a place like this. Where could he be?”
It doesn’t matter anyway. Naruto thought. No one will miss me.
Naruto spent most of the day sleeping in his bed, dreaming the day away, with the blinds kept down. In his dreams, he was sitting in a green field, the wind calmly blowing from the north, rushing through his golden hair and across his whiskered cheeks. He had dreamed this place more than once, and he was happy every time he did. But he wasn’t alone. In the distant, tall grass, something was lurking about. It fixed its gaze on Naruto. Its stomach was close to the ground. Five small steps it took, digging its claws into the dirt, feeling it shift beneath its paws. Its ears were kept down, moving its shoulders about. The wind blew again… the silence before the strike… then, as the wind died out, it made its attack.
Naruto turned his head and saw the creature come at him, its paws in front. It threw Naruto to the ground and began licking his face, overjoyed to the see him, while Naruto laugh happily at the fox’s tongue. Naruto picked the fox up in his hands as he got up, with its nine tails dangling beneath its hind legs.
“How have you been, boy?” Naruto asked the fox. “Did you miss me?” The fox only moved its face closer to Naruto’s and licked his nose. Naruto giggled and placed the fox on the ground. “Do you think you can catch me?”
The fox knelt down and barked Naruto.
“All right, then. Catch me if you can.” Naruto immediately took off and the fox chased after him. It zigged and zagged all over the grounds, catching up with Naruto. Then, just as Naruto turned around, the fox jumped into Naruto’s arms and both them rolled down a small hill until they stopped at the bottom. Naruto lied on his back, catching his breath while the fox lay on Naruto’s rising and falling chest. The fox moved up and stroked its paw across Naruto’s left cheek, just under his eye. Naruto’s open his eyes, got up off his back and held the fox close to him, hugging it, while the fox rubbed it cheek against Naruto’s.
“I wish I could just stay here,” Naruto whispered. “Where no one will treat me ill. Where I can never feel alone. Where I finally have a friend.” The fox made a little whimper, as if it was felt and understood Naruto. But the dream suddenly ended in upcoming flash white light and Naruto opened his eyes. Night had finally come, and it was dark enough for the village to shoot off its beautiful fireworks. The night sky was lit up by their bright colors of red, blue, yellow, green, lavender, purple, making miraculous shapes and figures, overshadowing the sea of stars.
“Damn it” Naruto groaned. He swung his feet from under the blankets as he rubbed his eyes. He couldn’t sleep through the sounds of the festivities outside. He slipped on his shoes, left his apartment, and made his way to the forest, next to the clear lake, just outside of the village. All that he could hear was whistling wind and the song the chirping crickets and croaking frogs, while he stared at his rippling reflection in the lake. He heard a rustling sound in the distance grass, over on the other side of the lake. Naruto raised his head and looked around. Sitting directly across from him of the lake, was an animal sitting at Naruto’s height, with its back to the full moon, and its tails lay at its feet. It stared at Naruto with its scarlet red eyes.
“That… couldn’t be…” said Naruto, confounded.
“Watch yourself, boy,” it said, with its low and deep voice.
“What?” Naruto whispered. There was another rustle, coming behind him, deep within the trees. A chill ran up Naruto’s spine, making his whiskers shake, and the hair on the back of his neck standup. He jumped to his feet and looked up at the trees, wondering what was up there. Something didn’t seem right to him. Suddenly, a shuriken zipped past his right cheek. Naruto gasped and winced through his teeth as he placed his hand over his cut cheek.
“Who’s there?” Naruto screamed.
“Huh, I missed,” said a man’s voice. “I’m usually more precise and accurate.” The ninja revealed himself to Naruto, squatting down on a tree branch.
“Who… who are you?” Naruto asked, trying not to let his voice tremble.
“No need to concern you with my name, boy” said Black. “You won’t live long enough to remember it anyways.” The ninja reached into his holster and pulled out three more shuriken. The edges flickered in the moonlight as he pulled his hand back and threw his shuriken at Naruto. He wanted to move, but his feet wouldn’t budge. It was like his feet were stone, but then something knocked him away from the shurikens’ path.
“Damn it” the ninja growled. Naruto looked over his shoulder and saw the ninja draw a kunai.
“Get up, boy,” said the low, deep voice. “Get up now, and run.” Naruto jumped to his feet and ran like hell into the forest.
“You won’t get away from me,” Black hissed. “The fun is just beginning.” He chased Naruto through the forest, teasing him. Naruto thought that the ninja was ahead of him, behind him, somewhere at his sides. He was toying with him. Naruto was running blind; stumbling across the ground and tree roots, slamming against the side of the trees. His heart was racing in his chest. He had no place to go that was safe. Suddenly, a shuriken flew through the air and pierced Naruto’s left leg. He screamed as it pierced his flesh then he lost his footing and tumbled down a steep hill, leading into a deeper forest.
“You can’t hide forever, boy,” said Black.
Naruto’s back slammed hard against the base of tree. He took in a deep gasp of breath as he balled his hands into fists. He struggled to get up off the ground, leaning against the tree. A sharp wince shot through his teeth as he tried to move his leg. Because of the fall, the shuriken had sunk deeper into his leg. Naruto grabbed the shuriken’s point with both hands, taking deep breaths. After the fourth, he yanked the shuriken clean out of his leg, yelping. Black heard his cry and tried to follow the sound to its origin.
Naruto got up on his feet, using to the tree to help him up. It was a surprise for him to do so, what with his back in dire pain.
“Why… why is he… trying to kill me?” Naruto whispered. He could here Black coming in the distance. He limped his way through the dark forest, trying to get away.
“There you are” Black shouted. Just as Naruto turned around, a katana blade went through his right shoulder, slamming him against another tree. Naruto screamed at the top of his lungs at the sudden stroke. He tried to push the blade out, but Black was too strong for him. He opened his tearful eyes and looked up at black.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Naruto asked, his voice broken.
“Because of the pain you have caused others in the village” said Black.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do… anything wrong.”
“Of course, you have. You just don’t remember. Prepare to die, boy.” Black pulled his katana out of Naruto’s shoulder, letting him drop to the ground, and raised it over his head. As light gleamed across the edge of the blade, reflecting in Naruto’s eyes, Naruto’s hand clutched onto the shuriken and he hurled at the Black’s face, striking his right eye. Black screamed as he dropped his sword and covered his face, backing away from Naruto, while he watched him in pain.
“What did I just…”
“Run, boy” said the voice. “Run, now.” Naruto stumbled onto his feet and ran deeper into the forest. Black pulled the shuriken out of his eye and hurled at Naruto’s head, but missed. He kept his hand over his eye as a low growl escaped from his throat.
“You’ll pay for this, you little b*****d” Black growled. “You will pay.”
I can’t run anymore. I… need to rest. Naruto stopped by a tree and dropped his hands and knees, catching his breath. Why is he attacking me? What did he mean? What wrongs could I have done? A rustle in the leaves entered Naruto’s ears. He could no longer run. He quickly hid behind a tree and hope that the ninja wouldn’t see him. He could see the blade of Black’s katana in the moonlight. Fear was consuming him, making his body run cold, his breath uneasy. Suddenly, a strong pain struck Naruto’s sides. He grabbed his sides with his arms and hunched over his stomach as he gritted his teeth, trying to stifle his groan. It was like something inside of him was burning him from the inside, stretching his muscles.
“Agh. What’s… happening to me?” Naruto groaned, strongly holding his sides. He felt like he was going to throw up as he coughed. Tears shed from the corners of his eyes and ran down his cheek.
“Don’t fight this, boy,” said the voice.
“Who-- What are you?” Naruto groaned.
“That is of no importance now. To survive, you will need to let yourself go.”
“What are you talking about? Agh.” Naruto’s groan almost gave his position away. Black jumped to another branch and looked around, still trying to find Naruto.
“If you want to live past this night, you are going to have to trust me” said the voice.
“Why should I?”
“Because I have no desire dying now, especially at the hands of that pathetic assassin. Do you want to live or not?” Naruto didn’t answer. “Please, trust me, my friend.” His eyes shot open when he heard those words.
“I… I… I do. I want to live. I don’t want to die.”
“Then let yourself go and take in the pain.” At that moment, a strong surge of energy burned through Naruto’s entire body, rejuvenating his energy. Yet it was so sudden that he let out a strong howl.
“Found you” Black shouted. He drew his last kunai and threw it directly at Naruto’s left chest. He fell on his bottom and leaned his back against a tree. Black jumped to the ground and slowly walked towards Naruto, twirling his katana in a circle. When he was only a few feet from him, he looked down at Naruto as he held the hilt with both hands, his katana at eye level with his left, the blade pointing directly at Naruto’s heart.
“Any last words, demon?” the ninja asked. Naruto’s breathing settled down and he reached for the kunai in his chest, wrapping his fingers around the hilt.
“Big mistake, mortal” said the low, deep voice. This time, it was coming from Naruto’s lips. He pulled the kunai out of his chest, threw it aside, sticking it in a tree. He then climbed on all fours and started growling, like an angered beast.
“What the hell?” the ninja whispered. Naruto’s body began to glow with red chakra, forming into some kind of beast. Then he raised his head and snared at the ninja with his scarlet red eyes, his whiskers darkened, and his fangs bared. His claws dug into the ground. “What are you?”
“One that all fear.” Naruto’s mouth didn’t move when he spoke. Red chakra began to consume Naruto’s body, glowing with crimson light, as it took a shape of some kind of beast with just one tail. When saw it finish taking form, he recognized what it was.
“Impossible” Black gasped, his voice trembling. “The Nine-Tailed Fox.” Naruto gave a off the Fox’s fearful growl.
“I can smell your fear,” said the Fox. “Strange how you seem so courageous when you wanted to kill an helpless boy so willingly.” Black began to step away. “Don’t tell me you’re about to run. After all, the fun is just beginning.”
“Get away from me” Black shouted. He ran into the trees and Naruto followed. Black jumped from tree to tree, trying to lose the Fox, but the stench of his fear kept giving him away, making it easy for the Fox to find him. As Black took to the sky, he did the hand signs Bird, Boar, Dragon, and Serpent, with his katana in between.
“Wind Style: Wind Blade Jutsu” Black shouted. He raised his katana over his head and threw it down at the Fox, making a strong gust of wind being hurled at him. The Fox pulled his left claw back and cut right through it, like was nothing to him. “What?”
“Try this,” the Fox growled. He stood on top of a tree and did five hand signs that were not recognize by any ninja. By the time the Fox held the last sign, a vast number of leaves were yanked from their branches and hovered in midair.
“What the hell is that?”
“Kitsune Style: Earth. Leaf Shuriken Jutsu” the Fox howled. The leaves around him beginning to spin at an intense speed and flew at the ninja, like a shuriken. Black held tried to block each leaf with his katana, cutting them in half, as they flew past him, cutting through his uniform and his skin. His blood sprayed out from each cut that was made. By the time the Fox stopped his attack, letting the leaves fall to the ground, Black’s body was covered with deep cuts, his uniform soaked in his own blood.
“What kind of style was that?” Black groaned.
“My style” the Fox answered. “One that no mortal can withstand.”
“I will not be killed by you, you damned demon!”
“Shame, really. If you hadn’t attacked the boy, you would have still lived to see a new day, but not anymore.” The Fox did five unrecognizable hand signs. Holding the last one, a ball of scarlet fire appeared in front of his palm.
“No, please, wait!”
“Now you will die. Kitsune Style: Fire. Fox Fire Jutsu” the Fox shouted, and he threw his hands out in front of him, shooting a stream of fire at the ninja. Black’s body was consumed by the Fox’s flame, and he let out a howling scream. His flash was burned and seared by the intensity of the flame. The flame died out as the Fox lowered his hands and Black dropped to the ground.
“Fatality” the Fox whispered, catching his breath. “Apparently this is your present limit, boy. No matter. I have a feeling you will become much stronger later on.” His ears began to twitch. “Someone’s coming.”
He dived into the trees and saw a man wearing a mask over his face with his headband covering his left eye.
“He can be trusted,” said the Fox. “I am certain that he will take care of you.” The red chakra died out as the Fox quickly lowered himself to the lowest branch. Then he passed out and fell on his side on the ground. His fangs retracted as did his claws and his whiskers settled.
“Naruto” Kakashi shouted. He knelt beside Naruto, placing his hand on his shoulder. His body felt so cold under his hand as he shivered to the cold night air. Kakashi was more relieved that he was alive. “Who did this to you?” He heard a cough coming from his right. When he turned his head, he saw how badly Black was burned and cut. He was leaning against the tree, moaning in pain.
“That boy…” Black whimpered. “That… demon…”
“Did you attack him?” Kakashi asked strongly, staring hard at Black. “Did you do this to Naruto?”
“Yes, I did,” said Black. “I attacked and wounded him, but, as you can see, he did worse to me. That b*****d Nine-Tailed Fox.”
“Who gave you the order to kill him?” Black didn’t answer. Kakashi took off his vest and placed it over Naruto, after drawing a kunai from the left pocket. He walked over Black and knelt right in front, his gaze fixated on him. Then he stuck his kunai in Black right arm, slowly driving the blade into the burned flesh. Black let out a deep groan to the pain.
“I’m not going to ask you again. Who gave the order?” Kakashi asked. “I will keep this up until I get the answer I want.” Black returned Kakahsi’s gaze.
“Nobunaga” Black groaned. “Nobunaga gave me the order to kill the demon child.” Kakashi moved his face closer to Black’s.
“Naruto Uzumaki is not a demon,” Kakashi growled. He slowly pulled the kunai out of Black’s arm, got to his feet, and walked back to Naruto. After he sheathed his kunai, he picked Naruto in his arms and began to walk away.
“What about me?” Black groaned.
“You will be punished soon enough,” said Kakashi, still walking, and not even looking back. “The animals out here get pretty hungry around this time of night.”
“What? You can’t be serious.” Kakashi just kept on walking until he was out of sight. All was silent around Black. Not a cricket chirp could be heard, but then came a quiet growl. Then came another, and another. He could see the hunger in the eyes of the beasts that surrounded him, as well as the white of their drool-covered fangs. They slowly crept out of the shadows, drawing in on black. His katana was far from his reach and he could barely move.
“No” Black groaned. Then a group of beast lunged at him. “NOOOO!!!”
Back in the village, Kakashi took Naruto the Third Hokage’s room.
“Lord Hokage” said Kakashi. The Hokage turned from his fireplace and saw Kakashi walk into the room from the balcony window.
“How is Naruto?” the Third Hokage asked.
“He’s a bit shaken, but he’s all right,” said Kakashi.
“Put him down here.” The Hokage got from his couch and laid a blanket over it the cushions. Kakashi placed Naruto on the couch and placed a pillow under his head. The Hokage placed his hand on Naruto’s forehead and on his cheeks. “He has a small fever. Nothing that a little herb tea can’t cure.”
The Hokage went to his small kitchen in the other room and placed a small teapot on the stove. While the water boiled, he grabbed a blue cup from the cupboard along with a small jar of green herbs. He scooped up a small, three teaspoon of the herbs and poured them into the cup.
“What of the assassin?” the Hokage asked.
“He’s been taken care of,” said Kakashi, sitting by Naruto. “He said that Nobunaga was the one who told to kill Naruto.”
“I see,” said the Hokage.
“What should we do?”
“What the law says. After you take Naruto home, I will have Nobunaga dealt with.”
“I can take care of it, Lord Hokage.” The Hokage’s eyes glanced over to Kakashi.
“Are you certain, Kakashi? I can send any of the other ANBU units to do it.”
“No, sir. I’ll do it. I’ll make him pay for what he did to Naruto.”
“So be it.” The teakettle whistled. The Hokage took poured the hot water into the cup and mixed the herbs with it. The Hokage knelt beside Kakashi as he held Naruto’s head up and placed the cup to his lips, gently pouring the tea into his mouth.
“He’ll feel better in the morning” said the Hokage, setting the cup on the table. “When can you take care Nobunaga?”
“Right after I take Naruto home. Is that okay with you?”
“Yes, it is. When you are done, I will have one more job for you.”
“Yes, sir” said Kakahsi. He picked Naruto up in his arms and made his way to the balcony.
“Kakashi?” Kakashi looked over his shoulder. “In and out.”
“Yes, sir” said Kakashi, and he jumped to the nearest rooftop. A small grin grew on the Hokage’s face as he watched Kakashi leave, then he directed his attention to the row of pictures above the fireplace, staring at the last one.
He has much respect for Naruto as he did for, Yondaime.
Kakashi walked into Naruto’s apartment and placed him in his bed, bring the blankets to his shoulders.
“You’re safe now, Naruto” Kakashi whispered. “Sleep well.” After Kakashi left the apartment, he went straight to Nobunaga’s mansion. Sitting on the wall that surrounded the mansion, Kakashi noticed a small light coming from the third floor, in the northeast corner. “Found you.”
Kakashi jumped from the wall and landed on a third rooftop, silently streaming to the room where Nobunaga was. He stopped by the side of the window and looked inside. There he saw Nobunaga at his desk, writing on scrolls and parchments. He set his pen down and blew out the candle, as he pulled his chair out and stood on his feet. As he walked to the door, a breeze blew in, and Nobunaga stopped.
“Who’s there?” he asked strongly, turning to his window. There he saw Kakashi standing in front of an open window, snaring at him. “Who the hell are you?”
“Nobunaga Urochi, for breaking the last law set by the Fourth Hokage, you are hereby to be executed,” said Kakashi.
“What?” Nobunaga gasped, and then a shuriken was thrown right at his throat. He slowly grabbed his neck as blood flowed out of his wound and through his fingers as he backed into the wall and slid to the floor. He looked up at Kakashi with hateful eyes.
“You stand up for that b*****d boy?” Nobunaga wheezed. “He’s… a demon.”
“He is only a boy, and he deserves a chance to live,” said Kakashi and he left Nobunaga’s office, leaving Nobunaga to die, just as he left his left breath and his hands fell at his sides. Kakashi returned to the Hokage’s room and entered the same way as before. “It is done, sir.”
“Thank you, Kakashi” said the Hokage. “Now for the last thing I need you to do. That box, on the table.”
“Yes, sir?”
“I feel bad for Naruto has been through. He shouldn’t have to go through that kind of endeavor.” Kakashi walked to the table and saw that the bright blue box, with a red streaming on all four sides, had contained an orange and jacket and trousers, a new pair of shoes, and a few scrolls labeled, “Earth,” “Fire,” “Water,” “Wind,” “Taijutsu,” and “Genjutsu,” and a few shuriken and kunai knives, along with a blue holster.
“These are pretty advance scrolls,” said Kakashi.
“Yes, but I believe Naruto can study them and learn from them. Besides, these were left in the Fourth Hokage’s will. The clothes are my addition to them. Will you please take them to Naruto?”
“Of course, sir” said Kakashi. He placed the lid on the box and returned to Naruto’s apartment. He saw that Naruto was still fast in his bed. Kakashi smiled under his mask and placed the box on Naruto’s bedside desk, along with the Hokage’s note. “Happy Birthday, Naruto.”
After Kakashi quietly closed the door behind him, a small fox appeared in a dark corner and climbed onto Naruto’s bed, sitting beside.
Well done, boy. Perhaps I may have been wrong about from the start.
The Fox lowered its head, licked Naruto’s cheek, and slept beside him. Dawn had appeared, preparing to bring a brand new day to the Konoha Village. Naruto opened his eyes and sat up from his bed, rubbing his left eye.
“Was it all just as dream?” Naruto asked himself, then he noticed that his wounds had been bandaged and his fever was gone. Visions of what happened him flashed in his mind, reminding him of his endeavor. “No, it was all real.” When he took off the bandages, he saw that his wounds had healed without a single scar. When he swung his feet from under the covers and slipped into his shoes, he saw the box that was left for him.
“What is this?” He took the note from his desk and opened it.
Dear Naruto Uzumaki,
I have heard of what happened to you last night, and I am very sorry. The one who attacked you has been dealt with. Since yesterday was your special day, I took the liberty of having this gift being delivered to you. I hope you will enjoy them. I know you will make a great ninja.
Happy Birthday, Naruto
The Third Hokage.
Naruto’s heart fluttered when he read those words. He grabbed the box as he sat on the floor and placed it in front of him. He opened the box saw the new clothes, scrolls, and knives the Hokage had given. He picked the jacket up from the box and stared at the red swirl in the back. Naruto stroked his hand across the swirl and a tear dropped beside it. More tears began to shed from Naruto’s eyes and he buried his face in his new jacket, crying with joy. This was his first birthday present he had ever received from anyone.
“Thank you, Lord Hokage” said Naruto.
Happy Birthday, Naruto.
2.Naruto: "Naruto's Valentines Day Mistake"
Prologue: Naruto comes back from a mission to find out that it’s Valentine’s Day!!! Now he has to find something for Hinata before she comes back and breaks up with him!!! There are a few couples you might notice here...I'll tell you them....Naruto & Hinata, Sakura & Sakuke, and lastly Shikamaru and Ino.
...It’s Valentine’s Day?!
“Hey Shikamaru!” sixteen year old Naruto greeted the same age Shikamaru, who was holding a box of chocolate in the shape of a heart.
“Hey Naruto,” Shikamaru said in a lazy tone. “You came back from your mission already?”
“Yeah,” Naruto said, smiling. He glanced down at the chocolate. “What’s up with the box?”
“For Ino,” Shikamaru said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Since its Valentine’s day and yeah.”
“…It’s Valentine’s Day?”
Shikamaru mumbled something either about Naruto being stupid or troublesome as he walked to the Yamanaka Flower Shop.
“…It’s Valentine’s Day?” Naruto asked himself, still shocked.
Meanwhile in the Uchiha mansion Sakura was with Sasuke (who actually remembered Valentine’s day). Sasuke came back a year ago and was now with Sakura. Since they both didn’t have missions, the two decided to spend a day together.
“Ready, to go, Sasuke?” Sakura asked Sasuke while Sasuke was locking the front door.
“Yeah,” Sasuke said in his usually monotone voice as he turned to Sakura. He grabbed a velvet box in his pocket and pushed it to Sakura’s hands. “Here.”
Quizzically, Sakura opened the box to reveal a pink cherry blossom bracelet. Sasuke smirked at Sakura’s face sparkling.
“Thank you, Sasuke,” Sakura said, putting on her bracelet. “It’s beautiful.”
“Your welcome,” Sasuke said, putting his arm around Sakura’s waist and pulling her into a kiss…
…Well it would have been a kiss…
“SASUKE! SAKURA!” Naruto’s voice rang through the teen’s ears, breaking their romantic moment.
“Naruto…” Sasuke said, cracking his knuckles.
“Did you two know it was Valentine’s Day?” Naruto asked, ignoring Sasuke’s death look at him.
“Yeah, but I forgot and now Hinata will think I’m stupid!” Naruto said.
“I think she already knows that,” Sasuke murmured, which earned him getting a nudged by Sakura.
“You’re lucky that Hinata has a mission and will be arriving back at night,” Sakura informed Naruto.
“Then help me!” Naruto begged the two.
“But Sakura and I are going out…ALONE!” Sasuke said, emphasizing on ‘alone’.
“Come on! Be a friend!”
“I never wanted to be your friend.”
“Sasuke, don’t say that!” Sakura scowled at Sasuke. She then turned to Naruto who kept on saying please help me. “And you: shut up and we’ll help you!”
“You will!?”
“…We will?”
“Yes, we will,” Sakura said to the two, probably being the only sane one at the moment.
“So what about this?” Naruto said, showing a plain Valentine’s Day card to Sakura who shook her head and gave Naruto one of those ‘you-got-to-be-kidding-me’ looks.
“No Naruto, that shows you don’t really care about her,” Sakura said.
Right now the three were in a shop to find something that Naruto can give Hinata before she comes back and realizes that Naruto didn’t know it was Valentine’s Day.
“He forgot what today was and her birthday. Maybe he doesn’t care,” Sasuke whispered to Sakura.
“I heard that Sasuke!” Naruto announced loudly, which made random people stare at the yelling teen.
As the two started to bicker, Sakura sighed in frustration.
‘The two may have matured throughout the four years, but they still act like children,’ Sakura said in her head, as she just shook it off and walked towards the two to break up the fight.
“Stop fighting,” Sakura said. The two still kept on fighting. “People are starring…” They were still fighting. Sakura voice then became dull and emotionless. “Oh. Help me. I’m being captured… with Hinata.”
“WHAT!?” the two yelled in unison with Sasuke not evening noticing that Sakura was right in front of them and Naruto not remembering that Hinata had a mission, looking around. “WHERE?!”
“Okay, we still have to find something for Hinata, Naruto,” Sakura said, going exactly to the point.
“How about this?” Naruto said, grabbing some random tin can in shape of a heart.
“…You want to give her breath mints?” Sasuke said, reading the label of the tin can.
“Stupid! That shows that her breath stinks!” Sakura scowled as she slapped Naruto in the back of the head.
“We went to mostly every store for hours and we ended up fruitless,” Sasuke mumbled, sounding mad for some reason.
“Who’s talking about fruit? I’m trying to find something for Hinata,” Naruto said.
“Sasuke, don’t hurt him,” Sakura warned Sasuke, who looked like he was going to straggle Naruto.
“I wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with you, not Naruto,” Sasuke grumbled.
“I’m here,” Sakura reassured. “…Just with Naruto.”
“Don’t make fun of me! I’m right here you know!”
“Yes we know,” Sasuke said.
“Hello, Naruto-kun,” Hinata greeted her boyfriend, who was eating some Ramen.
Naruto turned around to see Hinata back from her mission. It’s already night and Naruto still didn’t find anything for Hinata. Sasuke and Sakura went out with Sakura saying to just buy her a flower since it’s the thought that counts.
“Hey Hinata-chan,” Naruto said, uneasily.
‘Great! I didn’t even get her a flower! Why did the Yamanaka Flower Shop had to close early!’ Naruto cried in his head.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Hinata said, smiling as she handed Naruto a hand made card that was wonderfully decorated with sparkles, lace, and mostly everything that would make Naruto feel worse.
“Thank you,” Naruto said awkwardly as he grabbed the card. “…Um…I have something for you too.”
Naruto reached into his pocket, trying to find something…anything! Even if it was pocket lint… okay so he wanted something else to give then pocket lint. Hinata looked shocked for a moment but just smiled as Naruto searched into his pocket for probably nothing.
Like suspected, Naruto had nothing in his pocket.
‘Damn, what do I do?’ Naruto yelled in his mind. ‘Maybe I should tell her I forgot it in my apartment… wait… Hinata said that she hated liars and she knows when I lie!’
“Naruto-kun… are you okay?” Hinata asked, looking at Naruto worried.
“Huh? Yeah. Listen Hinata-chan: I didn’t get you anything… I actually forgot about Valentine’s day.”
Hinata gave a reassuring smile to Naruto.
“It’s okay, Naruto-kun.”
“No, it’s not okay!” Naruto said, angry… with himself. “You always do all these nice things for me like making dinner for me, buying me stuff.” His voice went into a mumble. “…Remembering my birthday…” His voice went back. “But listen Hinata, I want to be with you! And even though I don’t remember anything, I love you so much!”
“It is okay!” Hinata reassured Naruto, raising her voice a bit. “I don’t need any gifts or chocolate or a card. All I need is you. Listen: When we were young I always wanted to be with you on valentine’s day not mattering if you got me anything.” She kissed Naruto on the lips and smiled at him. “Your love for me is the only gift I need, Naruto-kun. It’s the only gift I need.”
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Yang/Naota's Journal
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[b:8b058ae07a]Currently Questing For Baby Seal Slippers ;D Wanna Help this Smexy Boy?[/b:8b058ae07a]