We don't need meat to surive anymore. We live in controled environments with pleantly of food now, and therefore no need to store bodyfat for energy or warmth; we are not wilderness animals. I do, however, beliave in eating meat in desprait situations, such as being stranded without food, when we acctually need the energy.
We are now cows or goats, we are humans, and are only meant to eat human milk, not other animal milk. Tippically, humans lose their lactic enzimes at age five, and therefore can't digest dairy after that age, this is why so many people are lactose intolerant. We are not made to eat dariy!
There is some contravercy going around against PETA for being against animal testing, and there for preventing HIV/AIDS testing to go any further. Despite somepeoples beliaves that you need an animal to test HIV/AIDS medicine, you don't! HIV/AIDS is a virus and therefore alive. This means that all they need is the orginisems themselves to test on, and observe how the virus is effected.
It's the womans right to choise. I don't care if she was rapped, can't have babies, or just dosn't want one, it's still her choise. I don't concider abortion "murder," and don't beliave that the baby is turly alive until it starts kicking.
I beliave that food, water, madicine, and all other nessicary utilitys to survive should be free. I beliave it should be the only way. Ideally, the only use for the money you earn will be used for entertainment, unnessecary objects, ect., and paying taxes. Taxes will go to farmers, education, and the medical feild. Taxes shouldn't be to much of a hastel to anyone as you don't need to worry about buying food or medicine. Taxes also wont affect your right to have shelter.
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