EDIT: under construction....... sweatdrop
RPC Name: Haruka Tanaka
Age: 10 centuries, but have the looks of a 16/17 yr old.

Personality:She is a kind, out-going girl who loves to make new friends where ever she goes. She is also over-protective of those she loves, due to something horrible that happened in her past...
Bio: Haruka came from a loving family, consisting of a human mother and a vampire father. She also had a little brother name Evan, who she loved with a passion. One day, there was a festival in the town square, and all the families came out and joined in the fun. After a few hours of playing in the sun, it began to get dark, for now it's twilight. All the families hugged and said their good-byes, and got ready to go home.
That's when THEY came.
Her father's coven had come to hunt.
Suddenly, the square was filled with the sounds of screaming people and the vampires chasing them down and drinking their blood. Haruka's family was the only one not caught off-guard, for her father, noticing the other vampire's blood-lust filled aura, had requested that they retire early, using the excuse that he wasn't feeling too good.
When the hunting began, Haruka's father quickly put a spell of warding on the door. But when he was just finishing the spell, the door was blasted, and the vampires, with their eyes glowing from the blood-lust, quickly got inside the small house.
Haruka's father told her to take Evan and run, for it was kid's blood that they are really after. Haruka stubbornly demanded to stay and help, but Haruka's mother shoved her out the backdoor, and with a hurried good-bye, slammed the door in her face with Evan, who at that time is about 7/8 yrs old (50 by human reckoning) in her arms crying out for their mom and dad.
Haruka then came to her senses, and ever the resourceful one, she quickly led Evan away from the village, so that the vampires would leave, thinking that they got everyone. But it was not so...
After a few hours of wandering in the forest behind the village, the two siblings went back to see if their parents had survived the hunt. When they got back, however, they were quickly surrounded by the vampires, demanding that if she wanted Evan to live, she would leave him here and never come back. Naively, she left Evan, hoping that the vampires would keep their word. All the way out of the village, Evan screamed for her to come back, but she couldn't. She couldn't afford to lose Evan. But when she was about 10 min outside the village, she noticed that everything was quiet. She could not hear Evan's frantic screams anymore. She quickly ran back to her house, and found her family members, their blood sucked clean out, and on the floor, "Haruka...we're not done yet..."
Ever since then, she's been on the run from the same vampires, and she vowed revenge for her murdered family...