I'm Khasey and my life is sorta difficult. I'm not gonna mention names, so i'll just tell you my story. At school i'm followed around too much by this girl and i'm not happy about it. She always just hits me and my friends for no apparent reason. My cousin thinks she's SUCH an angel, and I hate that thought. I wish the girl would just try hanging around my cousin for a long time until I leave this damn school of mine. I just really wish I could get away from it all. That's pretty much what this whole entry is about. Another thing I hate about that girl is that she almost killed me. And this is for real. I went to her house for this science fair project that she just had to follow me into, and my guy friend and I were helping her do her chores. She said, "Wanna have fun? Then grab a knife!" Then we went to her yard and started to cut her grass. I laid down on the grass and she started swinging the knife back and forth toward me. She "accidentally" let go and it went straight for me. Luckily, I rolled over and dodged it. But boy was that a stupid move. Why was she swinging it back and forth huh?? I don't really know. Anyway, my cousin thinks she is SUCH an angel and I wish that girl would start bugging my cousin instead!! Then she would see what it's like. This is my thoughts and feelings so i'm pretty much saying whats in my mind.
iWasabi · Sun Feb 11, 2007 @ 08:50pm · 4 Comments |