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Dating and Relating and Stuff
Post Number Ninety-Seven
ok so yesterday i went to sarah's house and she did some tarot cad readings for me!

options for the future with elias:
1. it would just be a horrible horrible relationship and we'd break up.
2. we would stay together, but i wouldnt be very happy at all because elias may be cheating or focusing on work.

options for the future with scott:
1. material success [???] may get in the way of me even considering going out with him.
2. i actually got the lovers card on this one! so i guess me and scott would fall in love. but then he would get depressed about something for a while. we would pull through it all okay if i have faith and try to make him happy!

so it sounds like i shouldnt even try for elias at all. but i should make the effort to try to be with scott!

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