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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
Arg!!!! NASTY!!!!.....but fun!
well.... yesturday was intressting. Lets see... well it all started when i began washing the dishes... lol. then a Christina called and said she was at Sam's house so she invited me over... so i got over once i got everything done and s**t. So we were talking and stuff.... then sam suggests that we have some green tea neutral ... some ******** herbal tea taste like s**t. BAH!!!!! christna says sam didnt make it right... well it still tastes like s**t. well we had supper and misses smart Sam practaly dumps the ******** salt all over the fries that were shareing... confused

Anyway... soon its around 1 inthe morning and were sneaking Bacardi... lol. she... fills the one glass were shareing the glass all three of us 3/4 full with like a shot of coke first glass. Then well Sam and I were like chuging it and chris is sipping it. So Sam was gone first... then christina was lossing iti was.. well just the room was spinning then i was getting ******** hot.... (no jo not in that way) then i started sing "its getting hot in here" by nelly i dont listen to it but the radio is EVIL!!!!! then well i start talking to random ppl on my msn. lol. Soon i started speaking to my BF! well im very kidish when im drunk so it was ******** hilarious. then soon i start sobering up faster then the other two. Then i started bothering sam for more... lol. I just remembered that b4 all of this i was the tester for the alcohol there was wiskey and then there i tried the bacardi... plan and quike stright out of the bottle. trust me that was disgusting. so then there was us fooling around. We were laughing at everything. sam spilt the Secound cup all over her self and som on me chris was in her corner... laughin about god knows wat. and me is she touchy when shes drunk. The secound was mixed with 3/4 of bacardi and orange juice.... Sam really does not kno how to mix. then soon i start feeling sick.... and im on the phone with my Bf saying that and he tells me to drink water... so i do christna gives me the glass and from there i black out. next thing i know im tasting my supper the 2nd time round and i her Sams mom shouting somthing about a bucket. and the other two running around. I remember hanging up... but i guess i didnt cuz when i got back... wait im not finish with im first esperance on blacking out... lol... well next thing i know im in the bathroom with sam... andi dont kno how i got her... but im like brushing my teeth with some elses brush... and soon sams shoveing tooth paste in my mouth. so im takeing off all of my jewelary that i threw up on.... nasty. and well im changeing... i dont even remember that i closed the door oh well. i remember opening so i guess it was closed. lol. so yeah... i brushed my teeth with some elses tooth brush and i soon find out that its Sam's 24 year old's bro... BAH!!!! wlel i call him barney.. lol. right backon topic.. so i went back down starts.. and i kept saying sry constantly. when i arrived (vision still blurred) Sam makes me clean up my own mess... Christina was on the phone with my bf. and she helped me shove the vomitied on carpet in a garbed bag. dont remember about the bucket but meh... sam was washing the couch.. lol. man that was sick. all my clothes that i wear more the often was.. GAH!!!! sam was freaking the smell... but my throat was burning like a b***h so... i didnt really think about the smell. LOL! anyway... sam wouldnt give me a blanket or a pillow... cuz i threw up on hers... biggrin but i dont even remember about it. even beeing there. BAH!!! im evil! twisted heh! anyway.... so i had to with do a ******** cousn thinging... and a s**t sleeping bag... that looks like it came from the dumpster. oh well... in the morning i wake up nearly jumping off of the ******** couch when that BLASTED PHONE RANG! Scared the s**t outta me. And sams ******** bother TALKS SO ******** LOUD!!!!

so its in the morning now... alright. im have a slight hang over. and well my throat burns and... i feel like s**t christina has no voice from yelling lol. yeah christina was so ******** loud... we could of been cought. anyway... we had breakfest... tryied to call my bf... but wasnt there like around 12 or so. anyway... that was how everything was... and well im feeling alot better compared to last night lol... it was fun minus the getting sick... oh well.


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Mar 03, 2005 @ 08:11pm
^.^Crazy sum's it up and umm intence.i just wish i was there too see it insted of hearing it. esp the barfing part it felt like it driped in the phone >_<
haha! but hey your fine now so cool! I ama get my mom to understand and buy me vodka or whisky or wtv for some time soon !!

commentCommented on: Thu Mar 03, 2005 @ 10:22pm
Iama buy the same drink so u can drink some more

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Mar 07, 2005 @ 01:25am
ah ha! looks like someone experienced the disadventage of mixing alcohol and juices and all those stuff!... oh and the water! the killer! after alcohol... thats the best thing to make the thing come out! anyways. my party is gonna be cool too!!... well my 17th bd party!

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