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A Ninja's Words.

The Gift Shinobi
Community Member
Begging - A Gaian Issue.
Several times people have asked me if others really did yell at you when you begged for gold or items...or both. This is the response I gave one of them.

Well, that is one of the issues about. sweatdrop I mean, no one likes to be constantly begged to, specifically if they have stated in their thread not to ask for donations, you know?

whee Generally, it's a good rule of thumb to not ask for donations unless you have your own quest thread or you've ventured into a charity thread or guild.

You should really think of it like this: You finally completed a long time quest for an incredibly expensive item one week ago. You have just now gotten back up on your feet and your gold amount is a wee bit over three, maybe five, thousand. Suddenly a someone demands you donate all of your gold to them or else!

Not much fun, yeah? confused Usually if you're polite about it, ask a person once and in reply they then say no and you state that you understand and stop asking, then it's a 80% chance of no harm no foul. If you constantly ask/beg and try a guilt-trip a many, then they'll report your for harassment or be a bit more mean and yell at/flame you. stare Or both.

Most of the time however, people are nice if you are nice too - and more or less literate. 3nodding Occasionally, you will catch someone who has had a bad day and your question of donation is just the straw to tip the wagon - there's nothing that can be done about that. It's just a bad timing all around. sweatdrop

Just remember common courtesy. mrgreen Say hello, use as little chat speak or 1337 speak as possible, use a viewable font, don't ask for a specific amount of gold from one user, remember to thank everyone whom says a word of encouragement or donates and do not go into another Gaian's quest thread with the intent to ask them or other uses for donations (as it's deemed incredibly rude when done without permission). domokun

I hope that helps! xd

Maybe it will help other users with the same concerns, too. surprised


"A true ninja knows no bounds."


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