whaiting for you to make the next move, trying to tell you something, but you wont evan listen to me, you dont care what i have to say, you just whant to go home and get away forme me. im tyred of staying up till 2 am whaiting for you to call me back when you sead you would, and when i saw you with that other guy i sead, i bet that is just one of her friend's cuz i know she wouldnt do that to me, for all those time's i kept you company, even though you didnt evan knotice me, i cant do it, i have to stop. this end's now. but how. i cant. i wont. i must go befor some one get's hurt again. good bye my lover, good bye my friend. i cant see you no more for pain will come agian. i cant take it. it's over, im whaiting no more.