I know I said a week, but I'm impatient blaugh I also don't think I'm really going to get any more questions, although if you do have any feel free to post them here.
Onto the answers!
Do you speak any other languages, either mediocre or fluently?
Nope. I did study Indonesian for 5 years in highschool, but can remember barely any of it. I also know little bits of Cantonese from kung fu and my Asia trip, and I'm planning to study Japanese part time this year.
What's your favorite animal and why? Does it hold any special meaning for you?
I'm not the biggest animal person sweatdrop I do however tend to like predators - tigers, sharks, hawks... I suppose I have respect for their strength and cunning that got them to the top of the food chain.
Do you have a very trivial pet peeve -- one that's hard to explain but still annoys you greatly?
Netspeak. Although I guess it's not really trivial or hard to explain... but it definitely annoys me greatly!
Do you ever just take a bubble bath to relax? If so, do you listen to music, read, etc. and if you do, what do you listen to/read/etc.?
Haven't in a looong time, although now that you mention it maybe it's a good idea! I usually listen to some music and read a book. I'll probably find some kind of ambient background music that is kinda calming and read Alice in Wonderland, which I bought yesterday xd Otherwise I just daydream and plan things.
What is your favorite video game of all time?
I loved Final Fantasy 8 - even though it's accused of having a lame story and battle system, I'm such a sucker for a love story and a pretty boy Tetris will always have a place in my heart, as will Sonic the Hedgehog heart
Have you ever climbed or hiked up a mountain slope?
Not a particularly steep one, more the kind with a rough path winding up it. I'm not really much of an outdoorsy hiking kinda person.
If you could have any car in the world, what car would that be?
I know zilch about cars! The Batmobile is pretty cool, can I have that one? OOH OOH or one with some funky designs on it, that looks completely different from everything else on the road.
If you could have any song as a ringtone for your phone, what song?
The Final Fantasy victory theme, which is what I have currently xd Also have the Sailor Moon theme for my girls, still yet to think of one for my bf, and I need to find a copy of the Wong Fei Hong theme to use for my kung fu teacher (he loves our school so much he calls everyone every few days O_o).
If you could add an emoticon to Gaia, what would it be?
Sleeping/yawning. Cos that's how I feel a lot of the time.
You can have tea with any three people in the world, from any time-- who are they?
That's a tough one! gonk
If language barriers are irrelevant, one of the Southern Shaoline monks who started my kung fu style would be one - I think the link between martial arts and spirituality is really interesting.
That Tom guy who runs MySpace so I can throw the tea in his face and order him to make profile pages more accessible and easy to use (like Gaia's profiles heart ).
Jakobo! Cos he told me he'd buy me a drink if I ever made it over to his side of the world for a web conference, and between web stuff and Gaia I'm sure we'd have a lot to talk about ^_^ Or if he's too busy I'd settle for Lanzer or Fleep.
If you could choose any song to be your theme song, what would it be?
It changes all the time! Maybe 'Now You Know Better' by Amel Larrieux - it's realistic but hopeful about life and it's experiences.
What is your favorite candy or dessert?
Ooh... too many to name! Sago and melon pieces in coconut milk is nice... so are mangoes... ooh and I love ice cream, tiramasu, brownies, chocolate in general, jelly... I love all sweets really.
Do you play any musical instruments? If yes, for how long?
Played the organ for all of two weeks, when my mum bought one in a garage sale and wanted to justify it.
I play the kung fu drums, cymbals and gong if that counts? Been doing that for about 5 years, although I have to admit I'm terribly slow at learning it and am not very good sweatdrop
Lets say you could starve yourself for a lifetime. If, in your lifetime, there's only a dog, cat, and a mouse, and you had to eat ONE in your lifetime, how would you go about choosing and eating them?
If I'm starving I'd go for the dog - got the most meat biggrin Unless it was an unusually small dog and an unusually small cat. Or a giant mutant mouse. But I'm not sure how good for you mutant mice are.
What is your dream job?
Graphic design, which is what I'm doing whee Maybe the director of a design business, but there's plenty of time for that.
I'd also like to design my own merchandise and stationary, and the ultimate - a vinyl toy! Got nothing so far though, so we'll see how that goes.
What is your favorite brand of shampoo?
I pretty much use whatever my mum buys - which is whatever is on special. I'm a sucker for pretty packaging though, so Garnier Fructus' bright fun colours call to me.
Is there a cosplay you would love to do with your Gaia avatar but just haven't had the items to do it?
Never really gotten into cosplaying on Gaia, so nope.
Do you like spiders or insects?
Yup, I think they're fascinating. As long as they're not crawling on me.
Who was your greatest artistic influence when you FIRST started drawing?
Toriyama, whoever drew Sailor Moon, Rumiko Takahashi and Athey of Bakaneko.com. The first two because Sailor Moon and DBZ were on my morning cartoons, Takahashi because I found Ranma in my local library as my first introduction to manga, and bakaneko because I looked up how to draw anime art and that was the easiest tutorial I could find. Regretted it later, but there we go.
Why did you join Gaia back in [whenever you joined]?
Back in 2003 I was really into art and was looking through a bunch of artist's portfolio sites. One I came across had a really cute style of anime art, and when he mentioned he was doing some artwork for a new anime community site with a big emphasis on art and artists, I joined to see more of his art. The rest, as they say, is history.
What's your favorite Korean dish?
I haven't tried much Korean food, so I don't know! I do really like Korean BBQ though, it's all so fun and social.
What's the stupidest/noobiest thing you've ever done on Gaia before your modding days?
Not long after I joined Gaia I submitted an oversized pic which was eyeballed from Michaelangelo's 'The Creation of David' to the Art Arena, not having any concept of eyeballing being bad at the time xd Of course it was rejected, and then I complained about it loudly in Art Discussion and got completely told off by the regulars sweatdrop
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