Transitive verb, Adjective, Noun
Meaning: To condemn strongly as unworhty, unacceptable, or evil. To foreordain to damnation. To refuse to accept. Known for being morally corrupt, deprived.
Word forms: reprobative, reprobatory, reprobation, reprove.
Related words: degenerate, rascal, no-good, good-for-nothing, troublemaker, criticize, reject, condemned, depraved
Used in a sentence: He was considered a reprobate case to the judge, but the lawyer tried to sway the jury in his favor by telling his life's tale.
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That Girl Over There
Just the ordinary, everyday sort of dabble...
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Maybe if I wander around long enough, I'll find myself...
... And once again, I'm lost.

... And once again, I'm lost.