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the perfekt dyzastrrr
worst concert ever.
last year, i believe. freshman year. cold out, winter. ill nino and sevendust concert. sevendust was the headlining band. i was there, my mom, my dad, my sister, and my cousin. i stayed for ill nino. i wasn't feeling so good like i couldn't breath. naturally, so many people in the webster theater had a lit cigarett or had weed. i wanted to go home. i wasn't that into sevendust at the time. i felt worse going into the lobby. my mom took me into the bathroom, where i started crying for no reason. a woman walks up to my mom and offers to confrance me, thinking a was on drug abuse. my mom, as politely as she was thinking 'Excuse me?!', told her that she can handle her own daughter. i stopped crying, and she dragged me out to the lobby. we were about to go outside, when the guard stopped up because we couldn't leave with a bottle of water that we had bought at the stand. then... out of nowhere, i puked into the garbage pale that was thankfully right next to me. having threw up in the middle of the lobby, all the people in there quieted down with an "Eww..." we rushed out to run back to the car as i started to feel better in being out of the crowded and clausterphobic place that was filled up with cig/weed/and stage smoke. bad. it was fun, tho. but, eww.

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