What an Awesome Day
Ah, today was great. I have barely any homework in anything. All I have is History reading, which really means go to AP notes and copy that. xd No Calculus cause the teacher at the other school was an impatient b***h. rolleyes After school, I went to the movies and saw three movies. The Hitcher, Smokin' Aces and Epic Movie. Lol, we only bought one ticket and snuck in to the other ones. Well, we didn't really sneak in. We just walked into another theatre. xd At the second movie, they moved the ticket rippers to the entrances of the rooms, but the guy still let us through. He looked at our ticket, but waved us pass. xd Funny story, we went into Smokin' Aces and we were kind of late, like ten minutes. This lady comes up to us and completely bitches us out about being quiet cause we deciding where to sit. I was like wtf? Halfway through the movie, someone's cell phone rings. That lady gets up and chases her down. xd Chases her down. We never saw that girl come back. rofl Anyway, we went to dinner and we still talking about her. Then, we got into relaly deep conversation about everything: religion, politics, humans, prejudice, the deep things in life, the things that matter. Wow, you know how there's only certain people you can actually talk to? Yeah, it was like that. It was just incredible.