I HATE IT! I was never this popular before and ive always wished to know how being popular would be like and it SUX! Being popular nowdays mean:
1)Being invited every 3-4 seconds to someplace like malls, parks, restaurants, etc
2)Got like 6 messages waiting for me in emails, front door to my house, on the phone, in my cookie jar!? (No seriously)
4)People whom i dont know adding me and bug the hec outta me till i miracley now who they are.
5)Never ending phone calls.
6)Ppl coming up to me and they all tell me privatley that im their best friend.
7)Ppl who look me in the eye and say how im the best person in the world and start talkin s**t about me behind my back.
cool Havin alot of friends and cant keep up with all at the same time.
9)Somehow forgetting the ppl who were friends of mine in the first place and now theyre pissed off at me givin me evil stares.
10) Most and important thing of all: Not knowing who my real friend really is anymore.
BFF doesnt work anymore though cuz noone can be your best friend forver all the time.
I know some ppl are okay being populer but ppl like me will never get used to it. Who can relate to this?
![]() Biske` Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
But holy crap, how do you get stalked? O-o