 Gaia Name: Teh_Mage Name: Siyo Dunki Sido Nickname: Si Gender:Male Sexuality: Straight Age: 18 Race biggrin emon Prince App: Personality: Funny, sweet, nice, and serious Info: ... All demons bow to me, out of respect or fear. Fire,Lightning,Darkness is Siyo's elements. He can manipulate shadows around him as well as create his own. He weilds a massive 7 foot long heavy blade, shaped like a dragon Fang. His strength allows him to weild his blade as if it were light, it really most likely ways a ton. He can create portals of darkness which allows him to move fastly and stealthily. He can also move fast without the portals. His only weakness is light. During the day his ability to create his own shadows is limited. He can only use shadows around him. He has no shadow of his own since it has been said that he is a walking shadow himself.He also duel weilds two Katana's one red other black though he can only summon these through his hands for its his inner power. he has ability to strike fast and hard like, well, lightning. It also gives him the ability to manipulate thunder and lightning in a magical form. Only drawback here is that he can only do it when dark clouds are out. power elements: -lightning,fire,shadow- History/Bio: Siyo has three brothers, when he was born it was obvious from the start that Siyo was the runt, his older brothers was strong good looking and overall Mean. However it was soon clear that Siyo had a gift in magic not seen for a very long time and thus was taught how to control the flows of magic, since passing as a mage he became more powerful than any mage of his group and was given the war crown and a scroll of power, since that time Siyo has traveled amongst humans searching for the great evil that is due to come into his life.
Name: Darian Alias: Raze Age:20 Job: body guard Raze is a wizard he uses the forces of nature to fight his fows
Name: Einhased Aberdene Alias: Einhased Age: 19 Job: Waitress Anything else I need to know about your Character?: She is a very interpersonal type of person. She likes to be alone a lot of the time, unless she has a reason to be with people.
Name:Jo Wang Alias: Yuri Age: 16 Job: Waitress Anything else I need to know about your Character?: Dropped out of highschool to pursue her dream for playing piano. Mean while needs a job. Quiet, but gets angry easily. rarely ever seen smiling. Many times never appears for work. Extremely pretty though.
Name: Snowy345 Alias: Snow Age: 16 Job: Waitress Anything else I need to know about your Character?: Parents died when I was six. I was raised by my brother
Name: Jade Alias: Uhh. Jade. xD Age: 15 Job: Waitress Anything else I need to know about your Character?: BEWARE HER FEET, she has the magical ability to trip over anything, even air.
Name: SuperGohan Alias: Gohan, Chaos, Bruce, and whatever you want to kall me Age: 18 Job: Cook cause you should have one Anything else I need to know about your Character?: well I like to be very creative and once a week, I like to cook something different and never done before. sometimes I'm shy but I love talking to people.
Name:Maxufimride4410 Alias: Maxufimride (Max for short) Age:17 Job:Waitress Anything else I need to know about your Character?: Not really
Name: Chaos Alias: Demon of Chaos Age: 26 Job: Bodygaurd Appearance(Optional):
AngelTemptress · Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 01:41am · 0 Comments |