this helps me rmeber what episode I am on and for what anime sweatdrop
Red vs Blue episode :38
Naruto Episode: 118 I finaly figured out.. I cant like just one character >.<
ouran High School host club Episode: 14 *re watching it!!!*
Love Hina Episode: 7 ((episode 6 cracked me up xd ))
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Episode: 5 O.O; JOHN YAY 4laugh
Ginga Densetsu Weed Episode: 24 YA GO KYOUSHIRO!!!! I wub him heart
Monster Rancher Episode: 16 heart
KKM Episode: 63 yay ^_^
Bleach Episode: 20 @_@ *rewatching in English* xd The Voice of Karin is the Voice of Kari and Little Ichigo is the Voice of Izzy from Digimon xd ARROW BOY HAD THE VOICE OF KEN ICHIJOJI!!!! rofl
OMG I had the most awesome dream this morning.. Dealing with Racism.. there were these Green Aliens called Ulorians and Blue ones Called Earthens and everyone was being racist tot eh blue aliens... and this one dude in my dream was half human and half Earthen his mother was Earthen and he reminded me of the Bug lover guy off Nauto @_@ I think it is because I have seen this Akamaru's hamster dance Flash one to many times @_@ but the dream kicked boot... and one of the Earthens was a friend of my character who was human and they had to save the planet.. W00T
I am turning it into an anime called
'War of Worlds'