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what your problem? do you just need to read every title there is on gaia jease.
stuff that no one should have too know
so tired
ok its pretty much decided that i should be a rockstar right? well i was thinking i should also be a martial arts movie actor. i would be like the first white guy that didnt suck at martial arts and rock out. also idea for the band at our intermissions we will have a group of actors on stage that play out sometype of life story and slowly work them into the songs maybe a pseudo musical without the actors singing. also i have two songs in progress.


living back home, i'ts a broke down shack
i cant go back
cuz i tore down the door
you wont see me anymore
I wish you all the best this isnt a test
just like all the rest i confess
you are all my friends, even at the very end
i didn't pretend
i have no hope for my town, i wish it all burns down
i dont kid around

(the music picks up and the guitar is heavy with distortion)

cuz i have no reason to live
here anymore
the question is will you run
away with me?

im not kidding, ive left already
im out the door.

cuz i just cant live like this
******** this life
where are the days i miss ?
its like ive died.

(song slows down)

maybe im just like the rest
always bitchin, i do confess

(song speeds up)

but no one can be perect anymore
the world is filled with sluts and drugs and hores
a reject from school cant make it

(music slows down)
cuz i cant go back to my broke down shak
iblew away the door it aint here no more
so wont leave with me?
it wont be cheep but its free
so wont you leave with me?


THE SEVEV SINS 9really undeveloped.

im fat and im lazy and i dont know what to do
i had sex for breakfast and it made me want to spew

these are the seven deadly sins
nothing original
cuz only the cassical ones win


yeah and thats pretty much it, ******** my joints hurt, its from being such a lazy ********.

User Comments: [3] [add]
Cio Karasu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 04:52am
I dont think having sex for breakfast would be all that filling, awesome song though ^_^

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 05:04am
guess it would all depend who you are in the matter, and thank you , havent got the foggiest on how to make some guitar riffs though, i used a bit of caseys three fingered picking style recently and it sounde cool sometimes.

Dyne Shinken
Community Member
Cio Karasu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 05:07am

User Comments: [3] [add]
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