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the underestimated
Okay, boring.
Do you know how boring debates about homosexuals are? VERY!! I mean, I'm not saying this because I'm gay, but it's always the SAME ARGUMENTS!!! Gays should have rights, gays shouldn't, gays should be shot...IT'S SO ******** DUMB!!! I could give a s**t less if we get rights or not. I mean, you don't need a ring around your finger to prove your love to someone.

~~~Oh, and one more thing. Don't argue with me if you're going to use the arguments:
"It's a sin to love one of the same sex"--
No where in the bible or ten commendments does it say that homosexual love is against God. It's just an excuse to use when you'retrying to avoid the difference of same sex love. People think "God will hate you if you're gay" Reality check: God loves EVERYONE and will ALWAYS ACCEPT YOU, even if you're a murderer or rapist or your average Joe. It DOESN'T MATTER TO HIM.
"If everyone were gay, the world would die"--
Well, that's true, but NOT EVERYONE IS GAY!!! I mean, really folks. If you're going to try and prove us wrong, at least get the facts. If you haven't noticed, you're not gay. You're friends who are also against gays aren't gay. Hell, Bush isn't ******** gay (though he could pass off as one). So don't say s**t like that because it just makes you seem stupid and idiotic.
"It's against the constitution"--
Once again, WRONG. In the constitution it talks about a man and a woman, but makes no referernce to whether or not homosexual marriage is against the law or not. It doesn't say it's wrong, but it doesn't say it's right. So this is a pointless argument as well. Oh, and Bush doesn't know jack s**t if he says it's in there. He obviously hasn't read it.

-------One last word for thought. People who are dead set against gays are usually afraid of change. And usually the gays who stem all the people pissed at us are the ones who go "Hey, look at me! I'm gay, on TV, and ******** my boyfriend!! I'm MARRYING HIM!!!" If some of us wouldn't do that, I bet we could all get along a lot better.

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Rookie Ray Renagade
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Feb 23, 2005 @ 07:40pm
Sounds about right to me those assholes.
I think they are just looking for a way to start an argument and cause a problem.
When you really look at the problem, and trie not to have a bies it all begins to make sense that gays aren't a problem.
The worlds over populated anyway. gonk

commentCommented on: Wed Feb 23, 2005 @ 07:43pm
*huggles Rookie* I'm glad someone sees my point!

Marth Forewinds
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 15, 2005 @ 03:34pm
~wh00t! You tell 'em Xeik!~

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