Calander 2007 (French, Japanese, and English Translation)
*January 1-3 :Jour de l'an/shogatsu (New Years)
A holiday to spend time with family and loved ones. Usually the time to have a bonenkai party (forgetting party) to leave all the old worries and troubles of last year behind. Also a wonderful time to clean up and do all your chours to the full extent.
*comment : I love this holiday because we get off school here in America for the first day of New Years. It's funny that American's only have 1 day for New Years and so does France, but Japan has 3 days.
*January 8 :seijin no hi (Coming of Age)
This is on the second monday in January (used to be January 15th till 1999) Everyone that turns 20 this year will go to Festivles in Japan to celebrate. 20 in Japan is considered the legal age for smoking, drinking and gambling. This is also considered the beggining of becoming an adult.
*comment : 4 more years before this applies to me. I might go with my onii-chan for a little bit in January to go to one of these festivles.
*February 3 :setsubun (beggining of spring)
This is to celebrate the beggining of spring on either the 3rd or 4th according to the Japanese lunar calander. You are supposed to throw roasted beans around the house and scream out "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" (Devils out, happiness in) and then pick up and eat the number of beans corresponding to your age.
*comment : I love the spring time don't you? birds are out and singing and everyone seems to be a bit happier than before. Also usually when I start wearing skirts around.
*February 11 :kenkoku kinenbi (Japan's National Foundation Day)
According to the record books on 660 B.C. The first emporer of Japan was crowned. This is the 2667 anniversery of the Japanese empire.
*comment : Japan has been around for a very long time. A lot longer than this annoying country I live in. lol
*February 14 :Valentines Day
For America it's a day for lots of loving and gifts, like flowers. In Japan this is the day where woman give the men presents such as chocolates and other candies. Men do not give presents out on this day, but return the favor a month later on White Day.
*comment : hehe silly American boys give out candy/flowers on this day as well. Funny and stupid people be those Americans
*March 3 :hina matsuri (Doll Festivle)
On this day parents wish their daughters a happy and wonderful future ahead of them. They decorate with dolls and peach blossoms. They also drink sweet sake and eat chirashi sushi.
*comment : This is only celebrated in Japan. They don't have anything like this in America because they think it's only important to respect elders, not younger people. Stupid Americans
*March 14 :White Day
In Japan this is the day where men give the woman presents such as chocolates, flowers and other candies. Women do not give presents out on this day because they gave out presents the month before on Valentines Day.
*comment : They don't celebrate this holiday in America
*March 21 :shunbun no hi (Spring Eqinox Day)
In Japan on this day people visit graves on this day. It is a national holiday.
*comment : Onii-chan, I love you. I'll make sure to visit your grave this year
*April 29 :midori no hi (Greenery Day)
This is the birthday of Emperor Showa. He loved plants and nature, that is why the day was named this. As of this year it is named showa no hi (Showa Day). Greenery Day will be moved to may 4th and become part of the Golden Week.
*comment : A wonderful day to start planting flowers and take care of the natural areas around.
*May 3 :kenpo kinenbi (Constitution Day)
National Japanese holiday remembering the new constitution that was put into effect after the war.
*comment : This is part of Golden Week
*May 4 :kokumin no kyujitsu (Between Day)
According to Japanese law, a day which falls between two national holidays is also declared a national holiday. From 2007, Greenery Day, currently celebrated on April 29, will be moved to May 4.
*comment : This is part of Golden Week
*May 5 :kodomo no hi (Children's Day)
On this day parents wish their sons a happy and successful future ahead of them. They decorate with carp streamers and samurai dolls.
*comment : This is only celebrated in Japan. They don't have anything like this in America because they think it's only important to respect elders, not younger people. Stupid Americans
*July 7 :tanabata (Star Festivle)
A holiday where you are supposed to see the stars Vega and Altair in the night sky both at once. tanabata is celebrated on this day for the people who still use the lunar calander. You are supposed to write your wishes on a piece of paper and hang them in a bamboo tree in hopes of them coming true.
*comment : I celebrate this still insteed of 4th of July.
*July 16 :umi no hi (Ocean Day)
A recently introduced national holiday to celebrate the ocean. The day marks the return of Emperor Meiji from a boat trip to Hokkaido in 1876.
*comment : Another first year holiday for me
*August 7 :tanabata (Star Festivle)
A holiday where you are supposed to see the stars Vega and Altair in the night sky both at once. tanabata is celebrated on this day for the people who still want to celebrate on the original day. You are supposed to write your wishes on a piece of paper and hang them in a bamboo tree in hopes of them coming true.
*comment : I don't really celebrate this holiday. I mean I do, but on the lunar calander day.
*August 18 :Ashleigh's Birthday
Ashleigh will be 16 years old this year. Happy Birthday to Ashi-chan!
*comment : This is the 3th year I will have been able to celebrate with her.
*August 31 :Courtney's Birthday
onee-chan will be 16 years old this year. happy birthday to you onee-chan.
*comment :this will be the third year that i have celbrated it with her
*September 17 :keiro no hi (Respect for the Aged Day)
This is celebrated on the 3rd monday in September. This is where you pay your respects to the elderly people in your family and neighborhood.
*comment : They have a holiday sorta like this in America, but I have no clue what it is
*September 23 :shubun no hi (Autum Equinox Day)
This holiday celebrates the coming of Autum. Graves are visited during this time.
*comment : Yay Autumn, all the pretty colors
*October 8 :taiiku no hi (Health and Sports Day)
On that day 1964, the Olympic games of Tokyo were opened. On this day schools usually have their field days and such.
*comment : I celebrate with a lot of activities and excersising
*November 3 :bunka no hi (Culture Day)
A day for promotion of culture and the love for freedom and peace. On the culture day, schools and the government award certain persons for their special, cultural activities.
*comment : We don't do anything for this in America
*December 24-26 :Noël (Christmas)
This holiday was introduced by Europeans to Japan in the 16th Century. In America the meaning of Christmas has been replaced by 90% of the population with decorations and presents. This is a time for stores to make a lot of cash and for people to buy things for others they usually wouldn't spend money on. In Japan it is just for decorating and presents as well. It is a popular holiday for woman and teenagers in Japan. In France the original meaning of Christmas is still celebrated.
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Yasuka Ito
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