I wish I lived in a tree. sad That would be so cool! Like Tarzan or the Swiss Family Robenson! I loved that book when I was a wee lass of ten or eleven, when I first found that book in the basement, all tattered and torn... Everyone should read The Swiss Family Robenson. &3 It's great.
I am reading Memnoch (again), and it sort-of loses its charm after the sixth read. Lestat seems a bit more of a pansy this time, less gorgeous and fey. Oh well, I love him anyway. Anne Rice is wonderful.
I read H2G2 again during break, and it remains my favourite book. The Giver will always be its close second, because... well... because of the idea, I suppose. Ah, well, another book all should read while in their youth. I read it in the fifth grade. That and Chocolate Factory were my staples for a good three weeks while I read them over and over and over until my teacher at the time made me stop. HA! Right.
I wanted to read Jane Eyre again, because it's such a nice love story, but now that I have read it it will be predictable! gonk Love stories always pose that problem with me- it's only engaging if I don't know what will happen. All other books are up for grabs, though. ^^;
I bought a comic book over break- Super Girl POWER. Very good, albeit a bit jumbled. They tried (as usual) to cram too much into too small a space, and I had to read it twice to figure out most of the plot. [<--Edited due to poor grammar- sorry!] Of course, as usual, they contradict themselves a lot, and I found myself writing out a flow-chart. It irks me when they not only contradic the storyline, but also the art! Arrgh, so confusing sometimes... Manga does that, too, but not as often. I can usually figure it all out on the first or second read, but, of course, go back again for the artistic, comidec, and literary value. With Western comic books, I generally go back for the artistic value. Maybe I just like the subtle Japanese humor more? I dunno.
Well, it's my happy Birthday, and I am going to spend it in Ferg doing homework, recouperating (I'm still achy, and a little sick. Stupid Bobbys! RAARR!) and waiting to find out if I got into the play. Should be fun. I suppose. Yea... Over and in, before I hurt myself.
Love and Kisses,
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[center:21eea3f034]~ Follow the wind-song, follow the thunder, follow the neon in young lovers' eyes down to the gutter, up to the glitter, into the city where the truth lies. ~[/center:21eea3f034]
[center:21eea3f034]Be your own hero.[/center:21eea3f034]
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[center:21eea3f034]Be your own hero.[/center:21eea3f034]
[center:21eea3f034]For new music, listen to: www.soundcloud.com/catgreenfield
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