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View User's Journal

Still you wonder why.

A lot of it.

I think I'm down to 9 assignments right now. At least five of those being one page or more essays. BUT, if I can finish all of it than I can go snowboarding tomorrow :3 I'll take my precal with me and do it in the car. Or maybe I'll tell Mac ******** YOU and not do it at all. On monday I need to take the a quiz and a final exam for the English class and then I'll be done completely. Then Tuesday I'll start semester two and not fall so ******** far behind :]

In other news... I've had the same five CD's playing all day, and it's starting to drive me insane. I beat about 20 levels on Mario 64, and I've eaten a slice of really old pizza and some reduced fat cheese puffs. D:


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