Wile Cody and Bill where on there way back home. Josh decided to get ready for Cody return. and when he did Josh new that it would make him wish that he never whent out their alone.
Josh. ok guys lets get ready we have 3 hours to make this work. Joe you get the bones, David you get the speaker and animal calls. Kyle you do the decorating. and I will do the scaring.
Joe. where did i the bones go. i cant find them.
Josh. there problaly in the bag you ideot.
Joe. found them.
Kyle. wut kind of decorating. like puting up nice pink blinds. ooo i love pink ill go with that.
Josh. OMg Kyle you moron. decorating as in scarry.
Kyle. but i dont like scarry. im afread of the dark to.
Josh. well then go home. stuped homo.
Kyle runs off crying and wishes that Josh would die. a horible death.
Joe. Kyle whait. you will get lost with out this.
Josh. let him. he will see that my way is better.
Joe. i know i just dont whant him to get lost.
Joe. dude wut is your problume. your like all mad and crap. you need to chill.
Josh. no dude your the problum. you need to stop telling me wut to do and get your crap togeather. your being so stuped right nowi could just punch you in the face for being so STUPED.
Joe. your going to regreat that. no one gets away with calling me stuped.
Joe. i warned you.
[ punches Josh in the face then nocks him over.]
Joe. i warned you and you didnt listen.
Josh. you lil f** hoe.
[ gets up and punches Joe in the face.]
Joe. oh you did it now. [ as he lifted up his fist and poned him one right in his nose than gets a rock and hits him with it.]
Josh was about to get up but thay hurd something comming. thay both stared then ran into the cave.
Joe. what do you think it is?
Josh. mostlikly cody. [Josh knew it wasnt cody because you could hear a sniffing and heavy foot steps}
Sudanly the creatur in the brush growls and they notice thay are in deep s**t. thay both say a pryer and apoligize to eachother. then thay see it. looked like a wolf but it could stand on two legs. the beast crouches back down and curcles the place where they were fighting.
Joe. (wispers.) i think its a werewolve.
Josh. no it cant be. thay arnt real. i dont beleave it.
Creatur. kashantie lecozo elmutayte. ula maltantie.
Joe. wut the ******** is it saying.
Josh. (grabs a rock) i dont know but im thinking that it is fake.
Joe. no dont it might eat you.
Josh. please. me im to tuff.
Joe. omg where is david.
knowing that david is missing thay deside to slowly go out a difrent way with out destracting the beast.
Josh, quiet and be carfull. there are alot of loose rock over here.
Joe. ok. ummmmm one problum.
Josh. what.
Joe. there is a snake on me. and the werewolve thingy is comeing this way.
Josh. what. well get it off.
Joe gets it off but then it strikes at him.
Joe. holy crap. i almost got bit.
the snake strikes agian this time making Joe loose his balance and he falls. now the beast hears all this noise and desides to check it out.
Josh. quick get back up hear it's comming.
Joe. oh s**t he's seen me.
Josh. oh crap.
[he grabs a rock and throuse it at the werewolve]
creater. makes a low growl then runs affter them.
Joe. holy ********. JOSH RUN FOR IT.
as this gose one david comes back. and notices no one is there.
he figurs that thay are trying to scare him so he just sets up camp for a wile and takes kyles job of decorating.
David. i wonder where thay are. thay have been gone for half and hour now?
oh well im sure there fine.
soon josh and joe find a ditch and hide in it. [Joe looks to see if the ceatur is gone.]
Josh. [says wile cetching his breath] is it gone?
Joe. im not sure i think so.
then there is rustling in the brush again. the boy's hide. and await there death.
David. hy guys. why yall hidding from me?
Joe. we wherent i promis.
Josh. yea we were hiding from a werewolve.
david. ya right yall were going to try and scare me.
Joe. well if your not going to beleave us then were outa here see you at camp.
David. a werewolve yea ri(woosh right out of the bushes came this ugly werewolve. david paused.
David. ummmmm. guys. guys help.[listens but no one answered.]
David. guys this isnt funny. cut it out. [the werewolve gets closter and closer and closer.
David runs for it but it is to late bye the time he get out of the brush the werewolve grabs aholde of his leg and rips it off. there is a loud screem that fills the forest.]
Josh. did you hear that.
Joe. yea what was it. it sounded like a. [bouth gasp and say david.] (thay run for followoing the screems.0 the screeming stops.)
Joe and Josh. David where are you.
David answers im over here. but you must get out its a trap.
thay see his legs and take notice that thay have been riped off.
soon thay hear a low growling sond.
Now back at the house things are a littlebit normal. mom and dad are talking and bill and cody look for stuff to take.
Bill. are you ready.
Cody. almost.
there is an aquered silens along witha long pause from the both of them
Bill. im going with you.
Cody. no your not.
Bill. (stops wut he is doing) why not wut if you need help? wut if something attacks you and im not their to fend it off.
Cody what's going to attack me? there is nothing out there that is bigger tan a human besides the trees. and besides. animals are afraid of humans.
Bill. oh yea what about wolves and bears thay wolves arnt afraid of use when there in packs and bears dont give a rip what you are you piss one off and your dead. or evan if you fall and bread you leag who is going to help you?
Cody. oh plz like that will happen. i wont need help.
Bill. no ive heard storys about that place and they aint good onse. people have died in that forest.
Cody. fine you can come. but be prepared to be scarred. i heard josh saying that he was going to scare use.
Bill. how would know were we were.
Cody. i saw him stalking us. it was kinda weird. anyways its time. lets go.
Bill. whait wut about kitten.
Cody. oh right i need to tell her. and Bill
Bill. what.
Cody. dont ever call her kitten.
Bill. sorry. ill jsut call her jennie.
they approuch her door when they are startled bye the door opening fast.
Cody. what how did you know i was comming.
Jennie. with you two guys talking so loudly it a wonder why yall didnt wke up the two naberhood.
[she hits them on the head then giggle's.]
Cody. hy kitten their is something that i need to tell you.
Jennie. whaut is it babby.
Cody. im leaveing but it wont be for long
Jennie. what. you promised you wouldnt do this. you told me. you gave me your word.
Cody. i also told you that i wouldt keep thang from you. im sorry but i have to go. now let me explain.
Jennie. no you have done enough explaining for now.
she slams the door then gose to her room and crys.
Bill. that whent well.
Cody. shut up.
Bill. well i gess we better go now.
Cody. yea hang on let me right this note realy quick. ok all done.
Bill. ok can we go now. i want to leave.
Cody. ok fine. well. lets go we have a long day ahead of us.
as thay leave thay hear a loud scream that made the hair on there neck tingle.
Bill. wut was that.
Cody. Josh. i think he is in trubble.
when thay got there they saw blood and bones at there new camp sight. little did they know the worst was to come.
Cody. its just one of the pranks that they were pulling.
Bill. yea lets go to bead.
Cody. yea.
Bill. well im going to bed.
3 hours later. Bill gets up and looks around. notices cody is up and tryes to see wut is wrong.
Bill. cody wut are you doing still up.
the light of the full moon shines on his face to were he looks like an angle giveing him an iradecant glow.
Cody. i couldnt sleep.
Bill. yea i can tell.
Cody. ive been having weird vistions that seem like they could come true.
Bill. oh is it about kitten? is it becaus of what she sead.
cody looked back and stared at bill. then truned around.
Bill. or right. sorry. is it jen. stoped and realized that this wasnt the plzce to talk about her.
Bill. well lets just go to sleep. maby you will feel better in the morrning.
Cody. yea your probly right.
as they go to sleep in there safe lil cave. the werewolve slepted but not fore long. little did they no that the beast will return but when will it be.
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