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My own world, and what happens in it. Do you really want to know what goes on in my life? You might actually BE LOST IN MY DAYS! MWA-HA HA HA HA! Okay, not really, just more like, you'll sit there and wonder what I'm saying

Community Member
So close
I'm about twenty gold away from getting another K which will be 12/19k XD omg so much closer to my newest avi! <33

So I decided I'm going to start ACTUALLY questing... and this will be the list of questing I shall do 3nodding :

Nitemare Collar
Fox Mink
Angelic Collar

'eh.. that's all I have for now. I might go for Nitemare Parsol but I'm thinking after all those three things I'll be wanting some OUTFITS for the price of one thing rolleyes

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