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My own world, and what happens in it. Do you really want to know what goes on in my life? You might actually BE LOST IN MY DAYS! MWA-HA HA HA HA! Okay, not really, just more like, you'll sit there and wonder what I'm saying

Community Member
-.- I JUST WANT MY OUTFIT scream omg... I don't want to take this long T-T lawls, I've always wanted a top hat tho biggrin So I'm excited about that whee But at least it'll give me somethign to do 3nodding and I'll try to get more stuff lawls. Maybe I'll keep having outfits until the next donation items come out... and I'll buy like five of 'em xd and even if I don't like 'em I'll keep 'em and sell 'em and then get really cool stuff like those devil horns biggrin <33

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