ahh... the journal. The perfect place to unload all the junk thats bounding around inside my tiny brain. I actually don't have a brain. It's a dirty potato with a light bulb sticking out of it. The light bulb isn't on, and the potato is none too fresh. How should i start this crazy, whirlwind, marry-go-round? I guess i should tell you a little about my self. Let's start with likes and dis-likes. I like sweet tasting foods, rambling, drawing, playing video games, and making music. I dislike, math, cute things, and emotional people. I am currently attending college, but I spend all my time on the internet, because the educational system is a scam! Also, on more than one occasion, I've been dematerialized, melted, burned, transported and/ or beamed into an alternate plain of existence. Now this is where things get weird. The left side of my brain is currently being covered in an alien fungus, which is causing me to have psychodelic nightmares . I havn't slept in the past four weeks, but it will probably pass soon enough. On a completely unrelated topic, I'm aiming to put some of my art on this here website. I guess thats all for now. Check back later for my next psi-fi magical adventure!