A simple one to get u started:
What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?
Answer: Man DUH!
In the beginning as a babe he walks on four, as a young man on two, and as an old man on three (using a cane)
Now for a harder one:
What's green, hangs on the wall, and whistles? ......... ...... ... Have u got it? arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow lol "Well, do you give in?" I'll give ya a nother sec to think.... arrow arrow arrow wink "Okay... Kinda.... Not really.... I mean, I'll know it when you tell me" " Okay, it's a herring." confused "But a herring isn't green." smile " You can paint it green." neutral "But a herring doesn't hang on a wall." xp "You can nail it to a wall." evil " But a herring doesn't whistle!" xd "C'mon, I just put that in to stop it from being too obvious." rofl ----- No, but really, if you got a whistle, stuck it in the mouth of a fish, and push on the fish, it would make a whistly sound.... ------ lol razz
bluevibes · Thu Jan 11, 2007 @ 01:41am · 0 Comments |