domokun "Keep your knees high, twinkle toes!" If you don't, you'll knock your shin eek scream OOOOWWWWW! ~AND~ Fall flat on your face burning_eyes *sound of skin peeling off ground* talk2hand Uuuuuuuuooooogh... twisted Know what, don't keep your knees high, I'd rather like to see that happen..... Sang.... Lots and lot of SANG!!!!! blaugh I loves me some wahmbulance Arrrrrgh! pirate Yeah, I'm with arrow twisted <a crazy stupid eccentric person with a case of red eye, and a botox'ed up mouth> This big guy came up to me once, and I said " Wow, it's a transvestite!" Then I said, " Wait, that's an insult to successful transvestites everywhere, you're a transvestite WANNABE." His return comment: "Can I say something back?" I said," No... OF COURSE YOU CAN"T...." rolleyes "Come on, if you think you have the courage to say it, bring it!" neutral "Ummmmmm, Your a really mean witchy bitchy person." "Wooooow, nice comeback...." Then I aimed for between the legs, he guarded, and I said, " Why'd you guard, there's nothing there to protect anyhow." And.... That was how it ended.... heart
bluevibes · Thu Jan 11, 2007 @ 01:10am · 0 Comments |