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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
the fight...
Today was fun!!! MInus the fact my thigh hurts like a b***h i think i pulled another muscle... and i dont kno how the hell i did that... at lunch was fun. Child and I started rough houseing, well child isnt the type of girl that you would take down in a secound... damn it was hard trying to push her into the corner... i kicked her a few times and such scared the s**t outta her when she wouldnt stop her screaming... reason y i call her child. then there was... when She and Coconut Lady started there s**t... that got really annoying... she hisses and s**t like a cat. I swear... in her past life she was a cat or something. I wore a blose (watever the helll u spell it) annoying peice of s**t. anyway thats all of today that was intressting.

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