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View User's Journal

The masses
New years night
Heya all.
I gots to say... money is pretty cool to have in de wallet. 3nodding yup. I been at work only 4 days... I already got a bunch of tips. payday is this friday too! and theres the minimum wage raise too... man. I'm set.
Ice Cream!
I gotta stay up to finish this huge huge project- due tomorrow- like 30 pages... well. that's a maximum but still. alot. I can make th multimedia presentation easy. but the writing part is time consuming. research projects are like that...
I gotta check and see... if someone sent me wat i need to finish it tonight.. otherwise its tomorrow morning at school... me having all that. dang.
an all-nighter. i have about 8 hours to do it. hopefully i can get some sleep then. cus i hope it won't take 8 hours.
i hope. but perhaps....
30 pages.....
I miss a particular someone too.... but well... I'll see that person tomorrow.
and i miss talking to someone who lives out of state too!
and ma buddies!

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