A disgusting pig who has no friends, no life, and no moral. Her heart as fake as a celebrity's boobs. She has the nerve to take my beloved Rikki away without reason? I would like to roast her waste of meat fatass body on a fire to feed to hungry. Even call it a luau. Pork for everyone. Unfortunately, in this day where the courts have all the say, I can't take her life. We must leave. Rikki and I, need to find a place all our own. I don't care if we have to start off in a motel somewhere. As long as we can leave out tyrannical parents. Especially that b***h that is worth no more than the turds she spits out, Co-Ree-nah. xp *huggles my love* And when we leave, she has no control, so it will be revenge! It's his mother, he should figure what he would do. I think that I would just spit on her, since that's the ultimate disrespect. 3nodding
s**t dude, this is a Romeo and Juliet story right here. We are in love, but the parents can't really see that. If they think we will relinquish for their sake, then they're even more disgusting. Why does she hate me so much? I dunno. She called me a whore. That's nice. I'm a virgin, and a whore. That's never been accomplished before.
I wanna spend the rest of my life with him! What's her problem? Why does she torment us? Hnn... she will never find anyone. By doing this, karma has condemned her to infinite lonliness.
BUT! I must not focus on my hate for her. My love for him overpowers my hatred, so it's not as bad. I look forward to our move. First I plan on getting a cell. Then a car, then we can both get our home together. And we will be unbothered by the worthless pigs beneath us. heart whee
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