I had the worst Christmas ever. I was so stupid. We opened our presents about a week and a half ago, and we got some stuff, cool, yeppie. I got a cell phone, and a guitar that's, lets say, not the best. It was brand new, but it was a crappy one. Too big aswell. I wanted a Yamaha. The one my dad had to sell. D: Anyways, yeah, we opened our presents early because of two reasons.
#1- My mother was going to Cali to see her other family. #2- They couldn't wait. (they=parents)
So, today, we spent the whole day cleaning, not even listening to Christmas music, no egg nog either, nothing, nadda, and we didn't do anything Christmas like at all besides opening gifts, my dad didn't even say Merry Christmas.
Sometimes I just wish I could live with one of my friends, they all decorate, and they drink nog and stuff, and open presents on the right day, and stuff. But we did absolutly nothing. It sucks, and this is prolly the last Christmas we're going to have together. It sucks. D:
Im emo now. D:
¤´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·`¤.NiNi¸.·`
NiNi-Sama · Tue Dec 26, 2006 @ 05:58am · 1 Comments |