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what your problem? do you just need to read every title there is on gaia jease.
stuff that no one should have too know
merry christmas grandpa
I don't even know what to write, my grandpa, the toughest man i know, is dead. He died in a horrible hospital room which smells of death. All year long ive been thinking to visit him. Thoughts like "maybe next year" or "when im not in tkd" or "when i have more time". Well today was a painful lesson that one has to make his own time for his freinds and family.
I remember doing so many things with grandpa, shooting that old pellet rifle, gardening, swimming, skating, he let me steer the truck when i was little, and sometimes he even played video games with me. I will never forget the good times, but i wish that he still had his last glass of scotch, i wish we could have had christmas together like we always did, I wish i could have had a conversation with him without him fighting for breath, strapped to a table with plugs and needles in him like someone from the matrix.
So merry christmas grandpa, werever you are. wether there is no life after this or your kicking satans a**, or even if you cut in line at heaven and got in past customs, i want to wish you a merry christmas and even if we will never see each other again i love you and will always remember you.

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 26, 2006 @ 05:38am
A lovely eulogy.

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 26, 2006 @ 06:47am
oh Dane, that was so lovely it actually made me cry!

Miss Maija
Community Member
Cio Karasu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Dec 27, 2006 @ 04:59am
every seems to be leaving

User Comments: [3] [add]
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