sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop
Anyways!!! the hotness continues through Miyavi's loins...lol... MUAHAHAHA sexy cool
and yes I know... its a rare occasion that I can draw nice hands, so the hand is all ******** looking, and I hate drawing guitars so I cut that short with a little shading at the top, heh heh heh aannndd... gah, dont get me started on the ears sweatdrop bbbuuut hey, I never said I was awesome at drawing so hah!!... and hes still really seeckshee even though Im not doing him any justice.

and why whenever I show my parents these pictures they think Im drawing myself????????? O_<.... IM NOT A SEXY ASIAN MAN!! but maybe one day I shall be... *starts saving for operation.* BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA KIDDING!!!!!! xp xp xp