A Little Shindig
So, after school, I went to a little Christmas party at a friend's house. It wasn't starting for another five hours, so we had a lot of time to waste. First, we stopped by a teacher's classroom and played PS2. Yeah, he's awesome. We played Capcom vs. SNK for a bit and then we left school. I got to his house and just got on my laptop cause he had to clean the house. I watched the "shoes" video. God, I love that video. Anyway, we went down to the basement and watched AVP. Awesome movie! The party was starting shortly after and we sat around and mingled and had some chit-chat. The usual. Then, we ate dinner. It was a pot-luck. There was some awesome chicken. Yum. Then, we exchanged secret santa gifts. I got a checkered wallet made of duct-tape! Sweet! It's awesome. After that, we played board games and DDR. The night was pretty much over after people started leaving. But it was cool.