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My share time this journal can be the ramblings of anything that is currently going on in my life.

Community Member
Friends, I need friends. Pretty sad, I am 40 years old, and I have no real friends to speak of. I go to work, come home and get on the computer and spend time with my daughter. I don't ever go out and do adult stuff. My daughter asked me, mom why don't you ever go out, and I told her that I don't have any friends to go out with. Isn't that sad? There used to be a time when I had more friends than I knew what to do with. What happened to those days. I guess that I decided that being a mom was more important than going out and partying. But still it would be nice to go out once in a while. Ok I guess that is all for now. Feeling a little bit better after venting.

User Comments: [3]
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Dec 27, 2006 @ 11:36pm
If I lived there or you lived here ... we would definitely have Ladies Night Out!!!! Wouldn't that be terrific? I hear ya on the no friends to do things with bit ... I have lots of friends at church, but .. no one calls here just to chat or wants to go do stuff with me, so I sit at home all day in isolation - well, with my 11 yr old for company, LOL! I'm sorry you're feeling sad - but am glad you were able to vent!!! Call anytime!

Love you,


comment Commented on: Thu Dec 28, 2006 @ 01:27am
yes, I do wish that we lived closer, so that we could do more things together.

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Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Jan 02, 2007 @ 03:41pm
Ok, we have to perk up and cheer up here, don't you think? PTL I will be seeing you in just a couple of weeks for the baby shower! Now, that is going to be a lot of fun and I can't wait. Courtney is very excited about making the cake (and yes ... your chocolate chip cookies also).

Love ya!

User Comments: [3]
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