And he was all 3nodding and she was all evil and then he was all cool and she was all rolleyes then "kay" then they were walking towards his house in the snow and suddenly christmas lights fell from above and wrapped around them. A set of lights gleamed on them from behind followed by a humming noise! they turn to see Santa's sleigh. Phew. "SANTA! He's real!" whee smile they say in sync. As they look on, they notice santa's sleigh has no reindeer... THey're being dragged behind it, what's left of them. Their eyes eek eek as the sleigh hits them gonk gonk , taking them under where what looks like a domokun ... The best christmas ever... Was when Santa's sleigh got rabies. rofl
bluevibes · Mon Dec 18, 2006 @ 01:01am · 1 Comments |