Chapter 1: As grounded as a bird with clipped wings
Being random was key, Government a choice of lunch or dinner, and love or any emotion undefineable by one word alone. For all those who share in these beginnings of streaming tangents, Welcome to Utopia…The “no place” of thoughts, ideas, and the forgotten…
“Hey!” Seraphyn cried in shock as something hit the back of his neck, sliding slowly down his back. “What the!”, he says as he reaches to remove whatever it is that is slowly making its way down his back. “ Why- What is this stuff?! It feels almost gooey!” He trumpets out in shock to no one, removing his hand with a sample of whatever substance fell on him. Seraphyn brings his hand to his face to study whatever it was as he walks to the nearest fountain. Looking closely at the substance, suddenly he goes into a cold sweat and his eyes start to unfocus. “This… What is this? Paint? This is paint. Someone must be painting something. Yeah, this is paint. Some kids are probably on the roof doing graffiti,” He mumbled to himself. Just then, a sickening “THUD” echoes eerily behind him, and for some reason he gets sprayed. Seraphyn looked down to see red oozing from the direction the thud came from. “ Don’t tell me that they dropped a paint bucket all the way from the school roof! If that hit me, I coulda died!”, Seraphyn says as he starts to turn around to see what a mess the paint can made. For some reason, his mind started to scream to him. “Don’t.. Don’t!….. Don’t turn around. DON’T! DON’T TURN AROUND!” Funny, it doesn’t even sound like my own voice,” Seraphyn mumbles as he finishes turning around, and sees a mangled person not three feet away from him. “ This… Isn’t real… Hey! Get up!,” He tells the body lying in front of him. Seraphyn looks down, and sees his reflection in the almost beautiful pool of blood that had come to surround him. Finally he realizes just what he sees. His eyes tremble and dart towards the body; to find it looking straight back at him. Seraphyn stares at the eyes, almost angelic, almost beautiful though cold and almost lifeless. Seraphyn realizes what he’s doing and quickly bends down to check for life. “A-a pulse! A pulse! Th-the neck,” Seraphyn almost hysterically says as he bends down, crouching in the blood to check for a pulse. For some reason, just as he was checking, he felt something warm against his leg. Blood. It felt like blood but, even if he was crouching and did get splattered, there was no reason for it to feel so heavy, and why was it so warm?! Seraphyn glances down to see a hand clenching his pants, a hand very much alive as it trembles with the strain of being moved. Quickly, Seraphyn looks back at the face, whose eyes were now staring, not off into the distance, but straight into his eyes. “ You’re- You’re alive! I have to call an ambulance!”, Seraphyn watches as the person’s eyes open wider. “ D-don’t worry! My cell is in my backpack! It’s just by the fountain, so I won’t go anywhere! Just let go of my pants so I can call 911!” Seraphyn notices that the person, this mangled person, is trying to say something! He leans down closer to see if he can hear. “No.” Seraphyn leaned back aghast, almost positive he heard or saw right. It might have just been an exhalation of air, but he was sure that that person had just said no. “ Wh-why?! You’re still alive, and you can still live if I call someone!”, Seraphyn says in a cracked, definitely hysterical voice. He looks back at the person, his face a pasty white from the beginnings of shock. The person then starts to lip-synch something again. Seraphyn watches carefully, but for some reason his eyesight keeps blurring and he can’t seem to figure out for the life of him what she’s saying. “I-I’m sorry! I just can’t figure out what you just said! What do you want me to do? You don’t want me to call an ambulance, you don’t want to let go of me…. What do you want!”, Seraphyn cried out, shaking like a leaf. “ Do you want me to watch you die?!” Just then, her current look breaks as she smiles and slowly closes her eyes… Suddenly, there’s a big whamming crunch sound, like the sound of bones under sudden pressure breaking. “A…At…. My limit….” Seraphyn thinks as he stares in amazement at the roof’s drain pipe sticking out of the motionless body. Seraphyn felt as the blood that splattered on him starts to soak into his clothes, and watches as blood gushes from her like the fountain that he was using to get the “paint” off of himself. Seraphyn’s jaw loosely dangles in amazement at what he just saw starts to get dizzy as red starts to blot out his vision. Seraphyn starts to fall back, slowly sinking into unconsciousness, but just before he fully slips away, he sees something. As if in slow motion, Seraphyn sees someone on the roof, throwing down many small, white things. “ Snow…. It looks…. Like…Snow….”, Seraphyn thinks as he starts to slip into unconsciousness, his last image as if everything was gray, except the pure white and the blood red that surrounded him. “Woah, hey… Isn’t that the guy?”, Caleb hears one of the many students around him whispering, the halls not full of laughter but subdued school circulating gossip. “Yeah, his…” Caleb frowns as he walks faster, not wanting to hear all the gossip around him, just wanting to go to class and get back home as soon as possible. Still looking down, lost in his own thoughts, he opens the classroom door to silence. Finding this strange, Caleb looks up to see everyone faced forward. “Odd, but kind of a relief,” He thinks as he takes his seat at the back, closest to the door. As Caleb rummages through his bag for his homework, a sharp bang echoes through the classroom. Looking up, curious as to what the sound was, Caleb’s eyes register and the shock of it starts to seep into his eyes, his face an unreadable mask. Someone had pulled down the chalkboard which had different writings scrolled across it. Things like, “Go away!” or “we don’t want a psycho in our class”, could be seen vividly as the red-chalked writing glared angrily back at Caleb, the green chalk board itself an eerie executioner. All of a sudden, something could be felting knocking against his hands, waking him from his entrancement. Looking down, Caleb finds many little crumpled pieces of paper strewn all over on and around his desk. As he fingers them, the door behind him opens and closes. Caleb, his head slightly bent down, follows the teacher with his eyes as he walks up to the front and stations himself, the green chalkboard behind him spotless. “When did they?”, Caleb’s thoughts spew out as he rewinds through his mind to figure out when they could have possibly accomplished this without him noticing. “—leb. Caleb.”, the teacher says in a raised voice, breaking through his thoughts, causing him to jump and sit straight forward with his eyes intently on the teacher in an automatic reaction. “Caleb, it is with great sympathy that I ask you to go to the office,” The teacher’s voice resonated through the now throbbing silence. “ The principal himself would like to address you. Of course, you probably know what this is about…” The teacher turned away, scribbling something on the glistening chalkboard and telling everyone to take out their homework, obviously finishing the one-sided conversation. Caleb stood, sighing as he swept his homework papers and the crumpled papers into his backpack, opened the door, and stepped into the hall as he purposely slammed the door shut. “ Everyone that has ever gotten in trouble and was sent to the office has done this, so I might as well keep up the tradition.” Caleb thinks bleakly as he stands with his back to the door, waiting for the imminent reprimand. Looking back at a glance through the slightly below eye-level window, he notices that the students are smiling maliciously and the teacher, to his surprise, has a look of amusement on his face. “ I’ve never been well liked by my classmates to begin with since I never really bothered to get to know them…. But the teacher,” Caleb thinks in respite, “ looks as if he’s enjoying this… As if it were some kind of drama… And I’m playing right into it as the main character. ******** that, I haven’t been here long anyhow, and I never cared for this teacher’s droll seminar’s anyhow.” Looking confused and angry, Caleb makes a Beeline in the direction of the office just down the hall. As Caleb starts to pass the section where two of the halls intersect, two doors away from the office, someone steps in his path. Not looking up, Caleb tried to sidestep this inconveniently intrusive person, but what appears to be a he from the look of the shoes, imitates his actions. Reluctantly, he looks up to find the inconvenient person about a foot taller than him. “Excuse me,” Caleb mumbles as he looks to the right of this overbearing person, hoping to squeeze through between him and the wall. In one sudden motion, Caleb’s back is swiftly pinned against the wall and, for some reason, is unable to remove his back from said wall. Looking gloomily to his right, he sees as the guy’s arm which is almost grazing his shoulder. From this alone, Caleb sullenly concludes that he shouldn’t have bought a backpack with a handle at the top, and realizes that even a satchel would have been a better idea seeing as it would have been easier to slip out of in a hurry. Realizing that he was neglecting the one person who put him in this position, Caleb notices just how close he is, This is gonna traumatize me, huh. Sweeping his eyes over to look at him while still facing his arm, Caleb notices just how close he is, so close in fact that he can feel the warmth of his breath running up and down his neck in rhythmic puffs. “ His breathing seems pretty unconstricted,” Caleb thought , feeling the warm breath slowly slide over his face and down his neck. “ From that alone, it seems that he’s unconcerned about consequences relating to this… Breathing slow and steady… Knowing weakpoints… This guy’s done something like this before.” “Hn, what’s the matter?” The guy said in an almost contemptuously pompous attitude. “ Aren’t you gonna start begging for your safety or trying to bribe me off? Don’t tell me you’re gonna cry!” Laughing out loud to his comment, he loosens the grip on Caleb backpack handle a bit. Unconcerned and uncaring, Caleb brushes off the guy’s arm and starts to continue his march to the office. In one big movement, Caleb’s shirt gets grabbed and with the other arm, his escape is closed off. Wincing, Caleb feels as his opponent starts purposely kneading his knuckles painfully into Caleb’s chest. “You think you’re hot stuff do ya, brushing me off like that! You wanna know something? I got paid… A lot, just to beat you up without anyone noticing, and so bad that you won’t ever come back. Lucky for me I got such a nice opportunity to do so, I could really use the money… Ah! Uh oh, footsteps.” He smirks as he opens the first classroom nearest him and shoves Caleb in after him, muffling him as he listens to the footsteps recede into the distance. “Ya scared yet?” He cackled malevolently. “ If not, you definitely will be soon. It’s a lucky break that these classrooms aren’t used very often since they’re so close to the office.” The brute took a step forward, and another as he said this. In Caleb’s eyes it seemed like the guy was used to doing his business in this way. Hmmm….. He is sooooo an evil vulgar sadist. How are these horrid people created? Caleb thought, obliviously letting a smirk tarnish his indifferent manner. Realizing what he himself is doing, Caleb tries to hide it, hoping that this basilisk who’s eyes seem t o define every movement as to not permit disobedience to it’s prey, hasn’t decided to turn him into a living statue. No, if he has taken it for retaliation, I’ll just have to use it for one. If he decides to attack, I shall evade. For the moment, scheming has its pros and cons. I must notice every little detail- Caleb’s thoughts are cut off as he realizes that the enemy’s movements have yet to subside, on the contrary, they seemed to have a kind of rhythm to them as a cobra does when listening to the piper’s song. In this case, though, the piper is rusty, and any mistake could be lethal. “So, you think you can smirk at me and think that I’m below you, right?!” The cobra starts to hiss at its newly accustomed prey. “ I, Kei, am not one to be taken lightly-“ “ So it has a name and speaks, the snide worm,” Caleb scoffs out, not realizing himself whom it was that spoke. He stared into the depths of his executioner’s beady, snake-like eyes full of malice and hate. Upon closer inspection, his hair looked as if bedhead was the new in, his hair lightly brushing into his eyes to which he often flicked it away. He wasn’t an ugly, loathsome creature, on the contrary, with a little time his appearance could be almost handsome. The only problem was his attitude, which marred him, refusing to be cleaned from its muddy niche. “What are you staring at? Finally realizing what you said is going to be the death of you? That little face of yours will soon be marred beyond recognition.” Kei spits, getting himself more worked up. “Just because of your looks, you thought everyone was below you with that cold aire about you. Well—hey, what are you staring so intently at, are you only smart when it comes to tests or what?! Is what I’m saying not getting through to you?!” In three swift strides, Kei had once again gained access to Caleb, giving him a swift punch into the stomach. Caleb felt as the air rushed out of him as he fought with his stomach and lungs to bear the pain and remain calm. Caleb slowly, painfully stands straight, not allowing the tumultuous pain that spread from his stomach to show on his face. Looking into his punisher’s face, Caleb says almost jokingly, “ I was just thinking what a nice bone structure you had. With the right haircut and complimenting wardrobe, you could knock ‘em dead, boys and girls alike. I’m not sure where your interests lie, but if you were to do so, I think you’d be surprised by how much attention you could procure.” “Are you making fun of me you ******** excuse for a punching bag,” Kei growls as he lays another punch into Caleb, this time harder than last. Caleb kneels, his previously quivering legs of no more use. Though on the ground, Caleb refuses to allow himself to stop staring straight into Kei’s face. Caleb then does something he himself finds remarkable in his crippled state, he smiles broadly at Kei, and begins the cumbersome and clumsy movements required to stand. Kei’s face registered with slight surprise by how his victim was holding up, but even that slight change in his facial characteristic was exchanged for utmost rage and disgust. This show almost spoke, if it could have it would have related something as close as: How dare that lowly life form dare try to get up. Someone like him…. No mercy. Pleasure crossing Kei’s face, he yanked Caleb up farther by the hair, laying a hard knee into his stomach, then backhand slapping him into a desk. Caleb proceeds to fall, taking the chair down with him in a loud crash and thump as he lands with the chair on his back. Caleb, with his head down, watching as his now ashen arms shakily hold him up again winces at the throbbing that focuses in on his swelling cheek. Caleb starts feeling around with his tongue, finding new gashes and pockets of a salty liquid now encompassing his mouth. leaning forward a little, feeling as if the room were moving, he comes to hear a dripping sound. Everything else around him seemingly fades into the background… his limbs seemingly ceasing all function, for he could no longer tell his hand from his foot, becoming an almost omnipresent being as he follows as to the position the sound is coming from. Roaming with bleary eyes, Caleb rests on a now small red puddle below him and feels as if his whole body were kicked all at once. Unable to take his eyes away, Caleb watches as the blood drips from his injured mouth to coalesce with the rest of its kind on the floor, feeling his own pulse stronger and stronger. “ What are you two doing?!” A deep-throated voice comes from the direction of the marked up blackboard. “ How did you get in here you scoundrels! This is not some boxing ring, this is a classroom!” Caleb awakens from his reverie just to say in a groggy voice, “Huh?” Then begins his cumbersome job of cleaning his mouth and making sure no blood gets on his clothes. To his relief, no more blood came to replace what he had removed with his hands, though now he was unsure of what to do next. Realizing the quietness of the room, Caleb looks up to see this teacher scowling at him. The teacher then turns from his lengthy scowl and begins wetting the towels used for the projection with the bottled water he had seemingly brought with him. After successfully accomplishing his goal, he tosses the towels in Caleb’s direction saying, “ Clean up the mess you made on the floor, and it might be a good idea to clean yourself off as well before you go to the office.” The teacher’s response sounded more like he was making fun of his predicament than actually helping him, but Caleb being too tired to care decides to turn the other cheek and clean the mess. Using one towel for the floor, another for himself, and fixing the topped desk chair, Caleb concludes his custodial duties for more pressing matters: What the hell is going on. Turning once more to this professor whom seemed to find delight in the fact that he was previously in a literal groveling position, the now composed adult clears his throat to say some “seemingly more important than your own life speech. “ As students,” He begins in a stressing manner, “ of this very very well respected school, it is your responsibility to be able to restrain yourselves from degrading behavior such as this.” As he says this, his eyes light on Caleb, as if the show was a one man circus and continues to drool on until, his sermon at an end, he dismisses the now sleep depraved Kei as if he was the innocent in this masquerade! Turning to Caleb, he remarks in a low tone as the door closes behind them, “ I can’t really blame him for doing that, many people have been wanting to for a while now, even before this incident sprung up.” The teacher then smiles in an aire of satisfaction as he concludes this classroom play with, “ Follow me, I’ll bring you to the office myself. I think being beaten up once is good enough for today at least, though I am a little upset I forgot to bring the popcorn to this most exciting show.” Caleb trudged behind the professor whose walk had a staunchly annoying quality to it, an aire of superiority flowing out with every step. Looking away from this, Caleb realizes that something isn’t quite right, what could it be? Caleb gently caresses his bottom lip with the back of his thumb, a reflex which he enacts without noticing when there’s something he needs to figure out. The surroundings themselves look quite normal, nothing a mess or out of place… Ah! It’s the voices! I can hear voices, but why are they so loud to this degree? Both reach the door to the office, the center point where the noise was originating. Caleb takes a deep breath, readying himself for what is to take place. s**t! I know this has to do with me again! I’m most likely not going to like this ONE bit. The professor opens the door and makes the movements to imply entering. Caleb stands there, looking at the mob before him and really not wanting to step in. Murmurs resonated from the once quiet crowd; things like, “ Is that him?” or “Could this be the guy?” was the topic on everyone’s lips. “Come in Caleb, and go to the principal’s office right away,” The professor sneered giddily, knowing the crowd would pounce at any given moment, and he was right. This slime of a teacher had confirmed everyone’s suspicion as they started to swagger forward like zombies from the older movies, except this is in real life, and these guys might just beat me to death BEFORE they tear out my innards and suck on my brain juices in victory. Caleb, now procured in the office foyer entrance, gets sucked into the melee of people whose persecuting looks felt like sand and salt rubbed into one’s wounds. This sting of hornets, not a thing is being understood, this thrum becoming too loud to decipher. What did I do to deserve THIS! Caleb thinks as he ducks down while heading for the principal’s office once again. Looking around from down below; Good, they seem sufficiently occupied by my doing this. Caleb allows a smirk to scar his usual impassive face as he slips into the redwood reinforced door, closing it behind him. Standing straight once again, Caleb locks the door behind him, remarking to himself about how much quieter it was in the now secure room. Not only was it quieter, but an exit could easily be procured by the second door, if it’s not a closet, or if need be the window where no adults lurked aside from their empty cars, for the moment. Caleb, satisfied with his newly formed plans, rests his eyes on the principal, who was watching him with quiet patience throughout his ponderings. On impulse, Caleb asks if he may seat himself where, with a gesture of ascension, he does so careful to keep in constant contact with his eyes, which is a domineering trait in lead business franchise leaders. Caleb did this impulsively, used to it since his…. Guardian reinforced this strictly, especially during the forced dinner conversations which Caleb not being allowed to be absent or late to. These didn’t happen all the time, on the contrary, since his guardian was busy creating his political and economical empire through connections and expansion of his business which already dotted 24 states and weaved through certain parts of the european areas.
whee Thats it for now. Tell me if u like it 4laugh
bluevibes · Sat Dec 16, 2006 @ 11:43pm · 0 Comments |