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Burning Out
Honestly I really do think I must be trying to self destruct or something. I'm such a procrastinator, though that's not really why I'm having so much trouble. Everyone at school seems to think I'm crazy for how much work I'm always doing because I'm taking the hardest classes available to me. Note they aren't as hard as in other states, but Ky's is pretty stupid.
Anyways my insomnia is catching up with me as well as my stress and my weak immune system. So I'm crashing in all kinds of ways and not even because of my midterms. I've looked over everything and I'm pretty sure that everything should be easy. I'll only screw up because I feel like I've been run over by a horse and that there's a tiny chipmunk in my head scurrying across my brain. burning_eyes That will be me by the time all of this is over. Gah if only all of my friends weren't such dorks, I really need to go to a party xp .

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