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trinka's journal thingie
Lalala.... la.
What do get a guy for Valentines day? And I'm super excited!
I'm stumped. Blah... I have no idea what to get my b/f for valentines day. The "holiday" is marketed for girls so much they forget to make stuff for the guys... Flowers and stuffed animals are a little too girly and the whole candy thing is done by almost everyone. Soooo, what choices do I have left? Nothing really. We have a few inside jokes but.... those aren't appropiate for gift giving... That sounds so wrong but really it isn't. sweatdrop It's a good thing I still have a week to figure something out.... Bleh....

On to more exciting news. I get to spend the night with my b/f tonight... I've had to lie to my parents a ton and one of my friends totally helped me convince them that I was actually going to a guard sleepover... I'm really going to a drumline sleepover at the school because my b/f is on drumline. So, I'll be at the school... spending time with him.... I just hope I don't get caught because my parents are totally against the whole sleepover thing between us... Especially my dad... >.> I'd hate to see what he'd do if they found out I lied to them about a guard sleepover and in fact that I was really going to my b/f's sleepover... *shakes head* I'd rather not think about how long I wouldn't see daylight.

I've become a horrible child... It's not like I'm going to have sex with him... Not with their instructer Jeff there... >.> He's such a prude and yeah... And plus there will be other stinky icky drummers there so that really wouldn't work out too well for me. >.> And let's add to the facts that it's only been a month... Ok... I'm doing a crappy version of a rant so I'll stop now.

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 05, 2005 @ 07:59pm
Bah! Valentines Day...

It is in fact marketed for the female population. It annoys me that we dont celebrate White Day here. In case you didnt know, White Day is celebrated in Japan, on March 14th, and htat is the day where you reaturn the favor a girl did to you, by giving something abck to them. V-Day is the day for girls, W-Day is the day for boys. It works out perfectly...I need to think of something to get my boyfriend...

Stupid holiday, even if the principal of it is nice, it isnt even really recognized as a holiday (if it was, we would get school off), just a duty.

Edit: I wasnt going to mention the whole sleepover thing, but...Lying to your parents is bad. I know what its like to want to spend more and more time with your significant other, but that doesnt mean you have to make bad bloodbetwix your parents. You are young yet. My advice is that after this (seeing as how you might be looked at strangly for changing plans so soon), dont try to fool them. Its just easier that way.

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 06, 2005 @ 07:15am
When in doubt, get him porn. =P

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