Oh, Irony!
Tonight was the night of ironic mishaps. I was at the SSBM Tournament and it was going well. Around 8 o' clock, I was supposed to leave and join some other friends for dinner and a movie. So, I go and make a phone call, but it doesn't pick up. I didn't think much of it and I just waited for a little bit. Now, five minutes later, I called again. No answer. Another five minutes. Nothing. I was now really wondeirng what the hell was going on. A little bit pissed at this point. So, I just played free-style and just called a couple more times. Still nothing. I thought maybe something had happened. So, I just went out to dinner with a friend from the tournament and we kinda hung out a bit. Now, I finally got a hold of my other friend. Jesus, she said her phone never rang. I was like, "What the hell?" I called like twenty times, not kidding. At the same time, she was trying to call me and didn't get through either. God, how much does that just suck?! Ah, Christ. Not you. So, we rescheduled for tomorrow.