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Selest's little notes of life
My little notes about things that happen
Geust what
My friend Veriantor is leting me share some of her poems mostly she don't let other people see here poems cause she is shy about her poems will I have one of her poem in my sigg smile I here is another one. This poem is called "Wish"

I wish I wish upond a star that is shinning from a far if I wish with all my might it will come true this very night I close my eyes and toke a beep breath out come my wish I opend my eyes ans saw my star still shinning from a far it shines so bright up in the sky now I know my wish will come true this very night thank you my wishing star

If you want to hear more of Veriantor's poems tell her you like her poem (PM her) and I am sure she will tell you some more

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