Well I'll be sitting here, just workin' on this beer. |
Baby I love you, just leave me the ******** alone...
Yes, another text only update. Sorry audiophiles, but you'll have to make do with the written word, plain black and white. Consider this a ramp-up to my next podcast anyways.
I'd also like to add a forewarning and disclaimer to this here post. I'm going to be dscussing some very touchy subjects, mainly; Gay marriage, religion, and abortions. Please keep in mind, this is all opinion, and I may just be ******** with your head. Or, I may mean every word from the deep black oubliettes of my soul. You never know. So before you raise the hellfires, step back and smoke a cigarette and rethink it.
The colorado elections have come and gone, and offers further proof that while we may consider ourselves forward thinking, liberated hippies.. We're mostly a bunch of self-centered, intolerant jackasses.
For those not from round' these parts.. i'll post what we had on the table.
Amendment 38: Failed: Petitions Amendment 39: Failed: School District Expenditures for Education Amendment 40: Failed: Term Limits on Court of Appeals and Supreme Court Judges Amendment 41: Passed: Standards of Conduct in Government Amendment 42: Passed: Colorado Minimum Wage Increase Amendment 43: Passed: Traditional Marriage Amendment 44: Failed: Marijuana Possession Referendum E: Passed: Extension of Property Tax Exemption of Disabled Veterans Referendum F: Failed: Removing Recall Timelines from the Constitution Referendum G: Passed: Elimination of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Referendum H: Passed: Unauthorized Alien Labor Tax Deduction Referendum I: Failed: Domestic Partnerships Referendum J: Failed: Public Schools Expenditure Accountability Act Referendum K: Passed: Attorney General Initiate Immigration Lawsuit Now, there's a lot of tongue wagging and general bullshit over quite a few of these, so let's single out the one's I'm covering.
Amendment 43: Passed: Traditional Marriage
Referendum I: Failed: Domestic Partnerships
Why, there's only two issues I'm concerned with? No, but the other ones are so chock full of bullshit that they didn't matter anyways. It's still not legal to carry an ounce or less of pot. Big surprise. We were giving tax breaks topeople who employ illegal immigrants, big surprise. We raised our minimum wage. Woo. We voted for schools to spend money on whatever the hell they wanted, as opposed to things like.. textbooks. Shock and awe.
But let's get back to the sponsors of our program, the numbers 4, 3 and the letter I.
Amendment 43 is basically the "Let's keep marriage between a man and a woman." Let's keep it traditional and holy and religous. So, as forward thinking as we all claimed to be, as big of a shock and outrage came over the nation-wide news of the dreaded "Same sex yearbook kiss"...
And even Mr. Monstervision, Jo Bob Briggs Chimed in: "The yearbook advisor at Boulder High School removed a picture from the school yearbook because it showed two girls kissing. In protest, two dozen students held a "Kiss-In," with same-sex smooching performed for 150 spectators, and now next year's yearbook editor, Stephen van deer Merit, vows that he'll have plenty of lesbian liplock on display. The principal said he supports the advisor's decision to remove the offending photo, but he hasn't yet ruled on a goth student's request to be photographed kissing a mummified frog corpse."
So we've got all this forward-thinking, all this acceptance practically dripping from our righteous assholes, but we still won't let them get married. Right. Maybe it's fear of some malignant, vengeful god, shaking his finger at us from behind the impentrable walls of his followers. Maybe it's some deep-rooted fear that if "gay" becomes a social norm it'll be more widespread, affecting our precious little children's minds until they all explode in a hedonistic orgy of tab A into slot B. Or maybe we think it's only fine if both chicks are hot.
So, we'll let that percolate. Let's not tread upon the hallowed grounds of marriage recognized in the eyes of God. Let's go one step further and remove the marriage aspect entirely. That's where referendum I came in.
“Upon voter approval, Referendum I establishes legal domestic partnerships in the state of Colorado. Additionally, it specifies eligibility requirements, definitions, procedures, rights, responsibilities, and means for terminating domestic partnerships.”
The referendum further specified that a partnership is not a marriage, which "consists of the union of one man and one woman."
Basic rights for established relationships, regardless of sex.
Nope, we can't have that, either. Because if we give them rights, that's like we accept them. That's like we approve of what they do. Like it's OK. And, "god forbid", that's just not something we're willing to own up to either. We're so stuck in our ways that the sheer premise of two people living together in a relationship wanting rights just can't be allowed. The ignorant, ******** masses speak out again, and decree that while we're fine with people of different colored skin, it's still matters to the rest of us what your p***s or v****a does on a saturday night.
I was once at a gay pride rally, and while I stood on the edge of the crowd, a fine specimen of intolerant ******** pride regularly shouted "God hates fags!". And while I hate to dispute his obviously well educated sense of christian mythology, a thought occured to me.
God pretty much hates everyone.
Let me explain.
The bible, while an interesting book, doesn't paint god in a very pretty light. He routinely commit acts of gratuitous hipocrisy, he kills those who disagree with him, and sets down an improbable set of laws that contradict the very biological nature of his own created species. He sits on high, on his throne, shouting commands from thousands of years in the past, with the inevitable threat that every child fears; "Do it or I'll ******** spank you." And yet, he is filled with love. He is a perfect being of right and good. His ways are not to be known by that of man, but he leaves us with a big block of text, written by man, with which to decipher what he really wants us to do. He's infallible and omniscient and omnipotent, which means he knew exactly what we were going to do when he created us. Yet he still wiped the earth with a flood. He still threw Adam and Eve out of the garden. He still planted the ******** tree. He tests us, when he knows whether or not we'll fail.
Sounds like a vindictive b*****d to me.
And in an act worthy of Narcissus himself..
He gave us the ability to choose, so that above all else, we'd choose him.
Does this sound like the acts of a loving god? Or does this sound more like the machinations of a twisted despot, intent on driving his subjects mad, slaughtering them at whim, and still maintaining a high public approval rating?
Leaving the sordid fairy tales of christians behind for now, (though I'm sure they'll crop up again) I was rather pleasantly surprised to not see any foul signs of abortion laws on the horizon. It's always waiting in the wings, of course, to jump back into public limelight and royally ******** up my day.
In a recent discussion on abortion, there were several defenses proposed by a pro-lifer that I wanted to touch on. However, considering the circumstances of that discussion, I felt it best not to partake.
Having convieniently removed those circumstances by relocating to my journal, I'm free to speak my mind at will, without fear of being subjected to cries of "You're a p***k!" and "It was only stating an opinion!" Well, you can still post that if you want, but now I don't have to bother responding.
The argument went that abortion was akin to murder as the fetus is growing, changing, and developing. This begins at the moment of conception, and continues until the moment of death. Therefore, a fetus would have the same right to life as any living being.
You know what else is created, grows, and changes? A tumor. A tumor also relies on your body for sustenance, protection, and continued life. Just like your kidneys, your lungs, your heart, and any venereal parasites you happened to pick up while riding that mexican whore. Now, if any of the following were a threat to your life, and apt to make the next 18 years of your life incredibly difficult, would you feel qualms with removing them? Do they have the same "Right to life" that a fetus does? Does it matter that a fetus eventually becomes another human, when we're dealing with its essential parasite stage?
Of course it doesn't. We simply refuse to dehumanize a developmental fetus. We eat fetuses, en masse, for breakfast. Cook em' right up on the ******** griddle. Where are the tears, the outcry, the weeping for the generations of chickens that have been wiped out at your local Dennys? Because they're not humans, of course. We're so attached to a precious "right to life" that we fail to recognize the genocidal nature of our species, engrained in our biology. Of course, that's where vegetarians come in, and I'm not getting started on that. I've already entered enough for a mild essay, and to further push that envelope would be gross abuse on my part.
The second argument compared abortion with slavery. How many years ago we denied rights, murdered and abused people we considered as "less than human", and how this is the same with a fetal human being.
Personally, I don't think I even need to counterpoint this argument. It's apples to ******** oranges in every sense of the matter. Yes, we denied rights to them. To an indiginous people who had developed their own language, choices and society. People who were fully aware and comprehensive enough to understand what we were doing to them. On the other hand, we have a fetus. Incapable of choice, thought, emotion. They are alive and growing, or they're not. That's it. They merely follow biological imperatives. Replicate, divide, grow. They're on cellular auto-pilot. Until brain function begins to develop some semblance of conciousness, you're a biological ******** toaster. You're either on, or you're off. A parasite, a tumor.
Anyways, this discussion was promptly ended with a bout of emo-tastic self loathing. Besides, my opinion wouldn't have been welcome, as I'm not one to coddle nor agree to keep everyone happy. There's been a lot of strife in this group lately anyways. A lot of reasons for me not to argue or join in. And a lot of reasons for me to just stop paying attention.
I'm growing far too sick of this self-imposed silence. I've bit my tongue and tasted coppery blood on more occasions than I care to recall. Their seems to be this unspoken agreement that we're all to be cheery and happy ******** elves, coddling and cooing each other when somone veers too close to speaking their mind. I don't know how much more of this I can take without a blowup of nuclear proportions. Every time I turn around, there's another self-serving vomit, another heap of abuse on somone who doesn't deserve it, and another uninformed torrent of bullshit that everyone is only far too happy to agree with.
I stopped speaking because I was sick of dealing with people's hurt feelings. I was sick of listening to third party accounts of how insensitive I was. I was sick of being told that I was far too busy being an a*****e. Now, I'm just sick of watching from the sidelines as we drown each other in undeserved praise and comfort. I'm sick of watching scorn upon scorn heaped upon the undeserving when no one dares speak out against it. I'm sick of self rightous, self-centered screams of "Gimme gimme gimme".
At this point, I refer to Mencken.
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats." H. L. Mencken
Twistex · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 11:21am · 3 Comments |