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Todays inner thought
Another boring update
Hmm...its just TOO bad that "sweet guy" didn't end well...as horrible as it may seem, he's at a point where he dispises me because I like his brother instead...to be honest, I tried to let that "sweet guy" down easily, but he wouldn't shut up for five minutes! And I warned him that I don't make promises past today! Yet, he expects more. lol. Oh well, his problem. Anywayz, this new guy....he's diffrent....he's special...I would go out of my way for him. I...I can't put it into words. lol. Anywayz, still working at McyD's. I'm not the same as I used to be, though...I tend to feel a bit lonely at school and work...even when I'm out with "friends" at the mall or something...mostly because I know their not my best friend...and I've only got one true friend left...anywayz....I'm waiting for his e-mails....sighs....I've got to go...later.

Rebby-Chan heart

emo (Just had to add it in! xp

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