"Ah-!" Ruddy brown eyes shot open, wide with surprise. The boy belonging to them, Raishet Fuhn, stared at his own arm, which was reaching out before him, as if grabbing for the heavens. He let it drop, smacking his forehead in the process, and looked up to his bland ceiling from beneath his hand. Raishet sighed. What a weird dream...why was I so freaked out? I can't remember...well, it doesn't matter. Just a dream. More importantly... It took only a few minutes for Raishet to get himself out of bed, and dressed in a plain cotton shirt and rough pants. He, unlike many of us, doesn't have any trouble waking up in the morning, especially when his heart was already pumping. And he couldn't get the cause out of his head, no matter how hard he tried.
Yes, sorry about only updating this story in small segments...hey, anyone have any ideas for a title? (I know, for any of you who might be reading this, that I haven't done much, but that's the fun of it. And to tell you the truth, I'm doing this all on a whim! Have no idea what's going to happen! Maybe you all, meaning the few who actually check my journal, could even give me suggestions for what to do with the story...) I might start writing more than one story, so it would be helpful to have titles. ^^;
Posted by: kiates Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 04:55am
Community Member