I decided to make this out of necessity for my story. While I wasn't asked all these questions, they help one understand the story better.
What's the story about?
The story mostly covers the events revolving aroud the main character, Komori. There is a prolouge in the works explaining Komori's back story.
Where is this taking place?
The main setting of this story is in another version of Earth that Komori can get to. Its time setting is one where I put in the middle ages, but put in whatever would be their and my convinince.
Why (insert name here)?
Well I gave some of those characters their names purely for the sake of humor, like Komori is the Japanese word for Bat. Generally the Outcast characters are the only ones with this joke incorporated.
-Alternate Earth- No real name for this place, its no different from the Earth we know except it has the feel of the middle ages.
-Outcast world- No real name for it either, very different from our world. Not much to talk about now, except that it citizens periodically enter a different world from time to time.
Levitas – Lightning Country: Lit. Lightning
Ventus – Wind Country: Lit. Wind
Incendia – Fire Country: Lit. Fire
Unda – Ocean City: Lit. Water
Humus – Earth Region: Lit. Ground
Komori- The apathetic hero of this story, sort of. He hails from the Outcast world and is taking up mercenary jobs to pass the time. Jun seems to be a great annoynce to him and would rather avoid doing anything with her. His powers and moves revolve around electricity and bats.
Jun- A happy-go-lucky girl who saved by Komori one day for no apparent reason. Jun tries her best to stick to Komori like glue. Jun has a habit of calling Komori Bat-kun as a sort of pet name. She uses a gaint boomerang when fighting that can also be used like a blade when she attaches it to her gauntlet.
Kayla- The stotic captin of the government army and there is not a soul in that army who doesn't show Kayla the respect she deserves. she seems to always go to Komori for help.
Tori- An old friend of Komori who knew him when he was younger. She is quite mature, polite, honest, and beautiful in every way. She does lack physical strength and even refuses to hurt people in any way, shape or form. She acts motherly towards Jun and has affections for Komori.
Outcast- the name humans have given to race of creatures that has no name. The Outcast's most distinguishing feature would be the fact that their eyes are two different colors, one being black and the other being a color that indicates their element.
Blue: Lightning
Green: Wind
Yellow: Earth
Ice Blue: Water
Red: Fire
Pure Blood- This simply refers to any Outcast who's parents were, for lack of better terms, the same species.
Hyper Technology- technology that seems to exceed vastly in the era it exists.
*All the names of the countries in the Outcast world have Latin names.
First Story Chapter List
1. Hello There
2. Captain Kayla
3. First Rival
4. Fire and Lightning
5. Kōmori’s Fierce Power
6. Job Well Done
7. Angelic Guardian
8. The Fight of my Past
9. “I Quite”
10. Jun’s Story Time
11. The Terror of Water
12. Frozen Hearts
13. The Roar of Earth
14. Plans to Rebel
15. Attempts at Karmic Backlash
16. Blazing Rematch
17. The Showdown Begins
18. Reflections
19. The Empty Throne
20. Good-bye and Good Luck
21. Aftermath